My friend who builds Triumph engines has been a dealer for years. I took it for granted I can always get it then talked to people and I guess its readily available everywhere.
His name is Dan at Franz and Grubb Engine.
He ships everywhere.
I wound up picking up the Permatex "Compare to Hylomar" at the local Pep-Advance-Zone and it worked fine. It was a bit thinner than I recall Hylomar being at the outset, but it got nice and tacky and didn't harden.
Rotary shops usually carry it, too.
5/17/19 4:20 p.m.
Pretty sure there's better goo out there by now.
That stuff was recommended in service manuals written in the 1950s
Audi still specifies it, it's the sealant between the two halves of the head on the TSI/TFSI engines. (It's not a valve cover)