I don't often get into disagreements about things with my wife, but when it comes to color, it's frequent.
Finally, there's a website to determine why our perspectives on color are different.
Is My Blue Your Blue?
Give it a try.
Here's what it said for me:
"Your boundary is at hue 176, bluer than 75% of the population. For you, turquoise is green."
9/18/24 1:57 p.m.
"Your boundary is at hue 173, greener than 57% of the population. For you, turquoise is blue."
the last 3 or 4 could've gone either way for me
I also lean towards mid shades being blue when there are only two options, but I really consider the middle shades to be a distinct color that is neither blue nor is it green.
Mrs Heretic: Your boundary is at hue 173, greener than 57% of the population. For you, turquoise is blue.
Mr Heretic: Your boundary is at hue 174, greener than 55% of the population. For you, turquoise is blue.
It could be my monitor or the viewing angle?
9/18/24 2:11 p.m.
Disagreements about blue vs green hues are common in my house too, especially between me and my older kiddo. This should be a fun learning experience for all of us.
I tried it on my computer and my phone to see if the difference in the screen would change my results:
On my external monitor:
Your boundary is at hue 170, greener than 77% of the population. For you, turquoise is blue.
On my phone(iPhone 14 Pro):
Your boundary is at hue 174
It was pretty hard to tell the last few apart.
Your boundary is at hue 181, bluer than 87% of the population. For you, turquoise is green.
I'll have to try it on my computer's main monitor and my phone, too.
Unless you monitor / phone is color corrected (not sure how phones rate for this), this test is more relevant for comparison across people (relative measure) looking at the same monitor rather than an absolute measure (true color recognition).
9/18/24 2:30 p.m.
Boundary is 186, higher than 97% of the population. Turquoise is green
9/18/24 2:35 p.m.
Your boundary is at hue 177, bluer than 78% of the population. For you, turquoise is green.
9/18/24 2:39 p.m.
Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos) said:
I also lean towards mid shades being blue when there are only two options, but I really consider the middle shades to be a distinct color that is neither blue nor is it green.
at the opposite end there's Japan in which green is considered a shade of blue, so some of their traffic lights look like ours and others have a blue light

Your boundary is at hue 163, greener than 95% of the population. For you, turquoise is blue.
Well, that explains a few things.
I did a color calibration on this monitor not too long ago while revamping a website. I guess that explains why my wife and I disagree on colors so often.
Your boundary is at hue 163, greener than 95% of the population. For you, turquoise is blue.
So many of them looked the same. In my dimly lit room with autobrightness on my phone, and my transition lensed glasses on.
j_tso said:
Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos) said:
I also lean towards mid shades being blue when there are only two options, but I really consider the middle shades to be a distinct color that is neither blue nor is it green.
at the opposite end there's Japan in which green is considered a shade of blue, so some of their traffic lights look like ours and others have a blue light

Yes, but at .18c that red light is green while the blue is still blue.
9/18/24 2:56 p.m.
Driven5 said:
Disagreements about blue vs green hues are common in my house too, especially between me and my older kiddo. This should be a fun learning experience for all of us.
DW tends to perceive things as greener than the DDs and I. This will be an interesting test... maybe.
[edit] My boundary shade was 173 (greener than 62%) on my work monitor; 174 (55%) on my phone.
9/18/24 3:03 p.m.
The real question: Is Montego Blue actually blue, or is it green?

In reply to Duke :
Similar here, I have an Arktis Metallic BMW e90 3 series and for the most part I think it looks green and my partner calls it blue. It really depends on the light with that car.
Your boundary is at hue 174, just like the population median. You're a true neutral.
Seems about right:

9/18/24 4:22 p.m.
Flynlow said:
Your boundary is at hue 174, just like the population median. You're a true neutral.
Wait, whut?
When I got 174 I was greener than 55% of the population.
Shows the accuracy of online tests, I suppose. Next comes AI taking the quiz for you in the background and just telling you the (wrong) answer.
Any way to get spray paint caps to match the color in the can? I feel bad having to spray paint the shelf or signage at Menards.
No, I would never.....
aircooled said:
Unless you monitor / phone is color corrected (not sure how phones rate for this), this test is more relevant for comparison across people (relative measure) looking at the same monitor rather than an absolute measure (true color recognition).
IIRC, Japanese didn't even have a name for "green" until relatively recently, it was all just shades of blue.
It's interesting how language can color (heh) perception.
9/18/24 7:00 p.m.
I'm getting a 184 threshold taking the survey on my HP Chromebook. I'm "bluer" than 96% of the population and turquoise is green.
OK edit time. I just went back and increased the brightness on my monitor and took the test again. I've flip flopped to a boundary hue of 166 and I'm now greener than 90% of the population. So brightness / lighting is a factor.
My blue is pretty blue:

My green is somewhat less so, more metallic:

Your boundary is at hue 167, greener than 86% of the population. For you, turquoise is blue.