Antihero PowerDork
7/9/24 8:57 a.m.
Beer Baron 🍺 said:

I think I need to schedule a checkup.

I don't have anything glaringly wrong, but I've had minor fatigue and occasional dizziness for a couple weeks. I've still been able to work out, but then my recovery takes at least 50% longer than it otherwise aught to.

I fainted Sunday afternoon. I'd had 2.5 drinks and a couple hits of pot, but my wife had the same amounts of both and was not affected to anywhere near the same degree.

I feel like I'm being a hypochondriac and wasting doctors' precious time.

Edit: got an appointment for Thursday morning.

Um....fainting is always cause for concern IMO

gixxeropa HalfDork
7/9/24 9:55 a.m.

I feel like so many people I encounter in the Atlanta area are like unironic versions of the Always Sunny in Philadelphia crew, just going from one small time scam/grift to another. It's gotta be less effort and more money to just get a real job ffs 

APEowner UltraDork
7/9/24 10:13 a.m.
Beer Baron 🍺 said:

I think I need to schedule a checkup.

I don't have anything glaringly wrong, but I've had minor fatigue and occasional dizziness for a couple weeks. I've still been able to work out, but then my recovery takes at least 50% longer than it otherwise aught to.

I fainted Sunday afternoon. I'd had 2.5 drinks and a couple hits of pot, but my wife had the same amounts of both and was not affected to anywhere near the same degree.

I feel like I'm being a hypochondriac and wasting doctors' precious time.

Edit: got an appointment for Thursday morning.

Fainting is not normal.  You're not wasting the doctor's time.

Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) PowerDork
7/9/24 11:00 a.m.

In reply to mtn :

If I hadn't been able to find a place that had what I have been taking (generic Concerta), seeing if any place had the dosage of Vyvanse I took before switching to this and getting my doctor to submit that instead would have been my next step. It seems ridiculous that there are still shortagess- you'd think that by now they'd have gotten things worked out and be making more than enough.

Flynlow Dork
7/9/24 1:27 p.m.
jharry3 said:

Houston:  A barely Cat 1 hurricane hits yesterday  and over 2 million people lost power plus widespread flooding near the ditches they call bayous.  Over a million are still without power the next day.   We had a wind storm from the North blast through about 6 weeks ago w/ 60 to 70 mph winds.  Same result.  Widespread power losses. Some people took two weeks to get power back that time.    All I can say is buy a generator so you can keep your refrigerator running.


Our company's long term plan is to relocate everyone to that area.  I really wonder if it makes sense to put all your operational eggs into one basket that has a proven history of power outages, flooding, and logistical (airport travel, deliveries) issues.  But hey, us peons don't get a vote.  I will not do well without power and AC in Texas in July. 

RacetruckRon SuperDork
7/9/24 3:48 p.m.

I applied for 3 positions at this company directly and two positions they had posted through a recruiting company.  This company is looking for a lot of engineering talent in a town that is 95% blue collar and willing to relocate people from anywhere in the country to fill these engineering positions. I live 3 miles away and applied almost two weeks ago. I get that with the holiday a lot of people were on vacation but you can't even give me a simple email saying "Hey, we see you're overqualified and local let talk after the holiday." or even a quick phone call??  I've had very fruitful interviews with a couple companies in South Carolina and now I'm fully expecting an offer from one of them before I even get a phone call back from the place I could literally walk to work if I so desired. Pick up the phone you lazy berkeleyers.

Mr_Asa MegaDork
7/9/24 4:13 p.m.

I need an annual reminder how much the Covid booster sucks.


It massively berkeleyed me up last night.  About the time it was time to go shower I lost all ability to regulate my temperature and just got the worst chills, full body spasms cause I was so cold.  Stayed in the shower with it on as hot as possible for almost an hour.

When I finally felt I could survive the 10ft trip to bed I put pajamas on (which I never do) and loaded the bed with three comforters.



Fully awake. Too hot. Removed blanket, drank water, bathroom


Fully awake. Too hot. Removed blanket, bathroom, drank water.


Fully awake. Didn't get up. Freezing. Added all blankets. No water.



Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) PowerDork
7/9/24 4:46 p.m.

In reply to Mr_Asa :

That reminds me, we need to get our boosters before our cruise later in the summer.

Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) PowerDork
7/9/24 4:57 p.m.

I swear this whole process of trying to get my prescription filled was just a big prank by a bunch of bored pharmacists. 

Last Saturday: found out that my usual, very convenient, pharmacy couldn't fill the prescription and didn't think they'd be able to anytime soon. MD's office is closed on the weekend, couldn't do anything until Monday.

Yesterday (Monday): call up the clinic and have them check that their in-house pharmacy had the stock necessary to fill my prescription. Since they did, I asked them to have the doctor submit the refill to their pharmacy so at least I'd be able to get it filled.

Today: In a rare fit of foresight on my part, I actually called up the clinic pharmacy to see if they would have the prescription ready if I drove the 20 minutes there to  pick it up. I was very confused when they told me that had not filled it because they were showing that my original pharmacy had filled the prescription so they wouldn't be able to fill it until the next time I was due for a refill (in a month). Took me a while to get whoever I was talking with to come out and say that I needed to talk with the original pharmacy and see what was up on their end. Hung up, called up my usual pharmacy- and the pharmacist says, "Oh, we've got your prescription here waiting for you- we must have gotten a shipment in over the weekend." OK- great... but given I'd already tried to pick it up once wouldn't it have made sense to have sent me a message that the prescription was filled and ready to pick up? They sent me a text at the end of last week that they'd received the prescription but it wasn't filled yet, why when they actually did fill it did they not let me know that?

At least I didn't have to spent an hour going out and getting it, but it's still just stupid.

Antihero PowerDork
7/9/24 11:38 p.m.

berkeley I hate working in the heat

GameboyRMH MegaDork
7/10/24 1:14 a.m.

In reply to RacetruckRon :

There's a good chance they're posting "ghost jobs" that if they have any plans to actually hire anyone for, it's a specific person they'd chosen before they posted the job.

RacetruckRon SuperDork
7/10/24 11:34 a.m.

In reply to GameboyRMH :

Not likely given the growth of this company over the last few years and the amount of recruiting/advertising they have been doing.

alfadriver MegaDork
7/10/24 12:01 p.m.

Got home from a short trip yesterday- and found that 5 of our bird feeders were taken, as well as part of one of the poles.... what in the world?  Why would anyone do that?  They are for the birds, for crying out loud.  It's not a phone you would take from a car.  

And they were dirty.  

Duke MegaDork
7/10/24 12:10 p.m.

In reply to alfadriver :

People are berking weird.

Minor rant:

After I retire, I wonder who is going to buy the coffee for the office, load paper in the printers, put water in the fridge, and make sure at least one stapler actually has staples in it?

It won't be my problem, but I am idly curious.


Datsun240ZGuy MegaDork
7/10/24 5:17 p.m.

A rant?

Why are young women wearing these super clunky looking Harry Caray glasses? 

Ever cut the lawn with big glasses on?  Slide down your nose 500x?


Antihero PowerDork
7/10/24 8:13 p.m.

In reply to Datsun240ZGuy :

It's a newish fad along with the 80s big i-would-also-like-to-see-with-my-chreekbones style glasses 

Mr_Asa MegaDork
7/11/24 2:10 p.m.

This is about #10 or #11 on today's list of Small Things That Are Conspiring To Drive Me Postal.

Usually it only gets up to 3 or 4.  Someone really wants me to lose my mind.


1988RedT2 MegaDork
7/11/24 2:18 p.m.

Mr_Asa MegaDork
7/11/24 2:20 p.m.

In reply to 1988RedT2 :

Yes.  This.

Rodan UltraDork
7/11/24 2:22 p.m.

Contractor that's putting up our RV carport was supposed to arrive yesterday.  Finally showed up at 10am this morning, unloaded a few pieces of metal, and left for lunch at 10:45...

1988RedT2 MegaDork
7/11/24 2:27 p.m.

In reply to Rodan :

Not to worry.  I'm sure it will be finished before it snows.

alfadriver MegaDork
7/11/24 2:50 p.m.

Home delivery is really cool when it works.  But less so when the delivery person can't read.  We just had a bunch of stuff delivered next door, and got something that was supposed to be the other next door.  All of us have our numbers on our homes, but the driver could not bother to read and put everything one house off.

I'm sure he will blame the map he was using, but it's their job to CHECK THE ADDRESS  ON THE HOME.

Beer Baron 🍺
Beer Baron 🍺 MegaDork
7/11/24 5:52 p.m.

Saw Dr. this morning about the fainting spell this weekend and the minor fatigue the past couple weeks.

I am now on doctors orders to *not* exercise until he or a cardiologist clears me. That is rough for me.

Wally (Forum Supporter)
Wally (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
7/11/24 6:03 p.m.

Got stuck at work an extra three hours. Decided to take a taxi to the train rather than walk/bus because I have to be back early. How can you be a taxi driver in Manhattan and not only not know where Grand Central berkeleying Station is, but not have heard of it. I had to spell it so he could put it in his phone. It's literally at the other end of the street we're on. 

Appleseed MegaDork
7/11/24 8:43 p.m.
Datsun240ZGuy said:

A rant?

Why are young women wearing these super clunky looking Harry Caray glasses? 

Ever cut the lawn with big glasses on?  Slide down your nose 500x?


Could always go the other direction and be virtually nonexistent, 90s style.

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