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dean1484 MegaDork
4/23/22 12:34 p.m.

Does not have to be car related.  

I have a Costco run and swapping snow tires off several cars.  

After that maybe keep it simple and fire up the grill and some hamburgers and dogs. If I get real crazy maybe some asparagus on the grill as well.   

Not sure about Sunday. For now we will play that fast and loose and go with what ever the family wants to do.  

barefootcyborg5000 PowerDork
4/23/22 12:41 p.m.

Just got finished changing the trans fluid, spark plugs, filters on the 5. Gonna go run some lead down range, then prep for D&D this evening. About the perfect Saturday by my estimation. 

mtn MegaDork
4/23/22 12:48 p.m.

80 here today. So far I've had cold pizza for breakfast, then did a deep sanitation clean of our vacuum after we accidentally vacuumed mouse E36 M3, and went on a walk with my wife and daughter to my mother in laws house. On the way met some new neighbors who are really nice, kiddo picked about 37 dandelions, and now my wife is helping my MIL shower, kiddo is in the crib for a nap, and I'm having one of my FILs Busch Lattes for lunch. Who knows what the rest of the day will bring? I'd like to run to get some mulch and take care of that, but it may have to wait for next weekend if I decide to go play golf. 

NOT A TA UltraDork
4/23/22 12:52 p.m.


Currently internet stuff including updating product pics, info, inventory, etc. on my Lab-14 website.

Deliver plants to a customer from my backyard nursery.

Make car parts inventory till dark.

Keep cleaning and disposing of stuff in a bedroom I rented out. Housemate passed away earlier this week from cancer, he lived here ten years and was an amateur hoarder so he had a lot of stuff packed in his bedroom.

Guitar practice


Internet stuff.

Customer picking up 6 Coconut palm trees mid morning.

Make Lab-14 car parts till dark.

Keep cleaning out bedroom mentioned above.

Guitar practice



Datsun310Guy MegaDork
4/23/22 1:26 p.m.

Spent 7am-noon helping my guys at work do a hose test recertification at a chemical facility.  

Now I'm going to eat a ham sammich then dig out a rotten fence post and replace it.  
Cut the lawn.  

Maybe grill out for dinner then as Bob Seger sings maybe tonight's the night if you know what I mean.  Wink, wink.   

RevRico UltimaDork
4/23/22 1:31 p.m.

Just got done wasting a beautiful morning I could have been doing stuff at the house doing stuff with the in laws. Tonight is poker night, with either Indian or Tanzanian food.

Tomorrow probably do everything I couldn't do today, unless it rains or decides to start snowing again.

Floating Doc (Forum Supporter)
Floating Doc (Forum Supporter) PowerDork
4/23/22 1:31 p.m.

Saturday: working.

Some wellness appointments, working up some dogs for decreased appetite, diagnosed and started a treatment plan for a dog with a corneal ulcer, and helped a very nice family say goodbye to their elderly and sick dog. 

Tonight I'll change the tires on the Miata, tomorrow I'll autocross in the fun class with the Citrus chapter of Porsche club. 

11GTCS Dork
4/23/22 1:52 p.m.

I did some yard work earlier, ran an errand, washed one of the cars.  I’ll be heading out shortly to a friends, he’s a really good home brewer and he’s offered to do a “birthday brew” for me.  Rye IPA I’m told, I’ve enjoyed some from one his earlier batches and am looking forward to the process and the results in a few weeks.   

AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter)
AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
4/23/22 1:57 p.m.

Quarantining, eating ice cream, listening to Primus. 

spitfirebill MegaDork
4/23/22 2:16 p.m.

Pulling weeds.  

wae PowerDork
4/23/22 2:47 p.m.


But not the cool Dead Pirate Roberts kind.  The straighten posts and replace some rails kind.

Go to Mass.

Probably have some whiskey while knocking out some items on my Scheißliste.

F1 tomorrow.  Hopefully see my folks for brunch afterwards. 

Help the youngest make her Qin Dynasty armor.

Beer Baron
Beer Baron MegaDork
4/23/22 3:01 p.m.

Bike ride and worked out today.

Seeing Bill Burr tomorrow.

DjGreggieP HalfDork
4/23/22 3:05 p.m.

Working til 3pm my time, then loading boxes to take to storage, then running mother to my brothers place so she can babysit, then back to the house and hopefully stream a few hours tonight.


Sunday a whole lot of nothing. Maybe acquire music.

914Driver MegaDork
4/23/22 3:32 p.m.

Figured out how to get ignition power with no key and got the K-1200 to turn over.  Removed a widow maker from a tree right over the path into the woods.  Made a run to the metal scrapper and then the county dog shelter to drop off a dog crate and 20 lbs of dog food that Winter now turns his noe up at.  Pulled out some ribs for dinner and cut up some baking potatoes into wedges (they are soaking in water for 2 hours or so to remove starch).  They go in the oven after a douse of oil, pepper flakes and basil.

Maybe tomorrow I can do something funner .....

ProDarwin MegaDork
4/23/22 3:38 p.m.

I got a new phone and it seems I will be spending most of the weekend trying to get it working right.  So many different accounts, security steps, apps to download, etc.  Kill me now.

docwyte PowerDork
4/23/22 3:45 p.m.

Hmm, yesterday worked out, took the dog for a walk, vacuumed up all the carpet remnants from my garage floor, hung the new ski racks and organized the skis/boards in the garage.  Then had two glass companies come and measure to replace our broken shower door, took my son to lunch, played with him at the park, made dinner.

Today took the dog for a walk and went to my sons soccer game.  Waiting for the sprinkler guy to finish up and my daughter to come home to help my wife deliver a few chairs to her school, then on the way home I'll pick up my watch from the watch place.  Hopefully then I'll move the race tires for the 911 from the basement to the garage and maybe the stock land cruiser wheels/tires from the backyard to the basement.

Tomorrow morning I'll install the Garmin Catalyst cord into the 911 and swap in the track brake pads.  Then hang out and take the family out for my daughters Bday

yupididit PowerDork
4/23/22 3:53 p.m.

Clean the garage, yard work. 

My wife new candle company launched today so I've been helping out with that as well. 

chandler UltimaDork
4/23/22 4:13 p.m.

Drove to Nashville for the marathon, picked up a bumper cover for one of you guys while I'm here and will head home tomorrow.

Mndsm MegaDork
4/23/22 4:24 p.m.

Looked at a sketchy house I want because it's in the right neighborhood, but needs close to a full gut. Looked at a neighborhood to see if I could tolerate it over far less sketchy houses.  Voluntarily (!) Went to IKEA because I needed storage solutions and sorting solutions for Legos that I'm apparently all about now. Deleted the thing I just typed because I don't want to incriminate myself later. 

travellering HalfDork
4/23/22 4:25 p.m.

Was going to be bike riding, yard work, and swapping out one of our Minis at the house for one of the ones in storage about 45 minutes away.  Instead, thanks to a norovirus, the weekend will be spent within 10 feet of a toilet...

Karacticus SuperDork
4/23/22 5:20 p.m.

Taking cold showers. 

Apparently something for fried in the heat pump hot water heater yesterday during the storm when the power went out for maybe as much as 5 seconds. It's brain keeps setting a hot fire alarm, thinking the tank is empty. 

It's new enough to be under warranty, but the 24/7 assistance line only covers conventional hot water heaters, not the heat pump ones. 

Plumber says we will deal with it Monday when they open. 

Hot showers available at the vet clinic though. 

Pete Gossett (Forum Supporter)
Pete Gossett (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
4/23/22 5:28 p.m.

Watching the turtles enjoy the spring. 

bmw88rider UberDork
4/23/22 5:41 p.m.

Today, Watched the F1 Sprint. Chatted with some friends in Europe. Went to Radwood here in Austin and came home a little disappointed. Now trying to figure my next investment strategy and looking at European real estate for a potential summer option. Run to the store after dinner. 

Tomorrow, Watch the actual F1 race. Go for a bike ride. Then not sure from there. 

BoxheadTim MegaDork
4/23/22 6:49 p.m.

Trying to not destroy the Elise while getting it ready for an Autocross tomorrow. 

AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter)
AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
4/23/22 7:03 p.m.

In reply to NOT A TA :

Damn man, I'm sorry. I'm guessing y'all must have been pretty close under the same roof for a decade.

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