Started on April 18 by Karl La Follette

Meyers Manx

Barn find with 5 RX-7 s a Gremlin and Saab Sonnet . Bought never finished gazelle kit from original owner and took off body and Put Meyers on . Here is a shot of wife at Stone mnt . Ga I would guess it was 2005 on way back from Mitty .

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Marjorie MarjorieSuddard
April 18, 2008, 2:11 p.m.

Have you contacted Bruce and Winnie Meyers to join the Manx club and, more important, have yours authenticated? The club has a very cool newsletter (we've been members for years) and as these buggies get more collectible, it can be very important to authenticate yours. (Quick tip: Check for a raised shield-shaped bump on the nose, about 1x2 inches.) for more.

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