Built for less than $2000: 700-horsepower, BMW-powered NB Miata


One way to win our annual $2000 Challenge? For team McSpool, the answer was Miata–but with a twist.

This low-buck NB Miata racer is powered by a BMW inline-six that’s capable of nearly 700 horsepower.

Presented by CRC Industries.

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Colin Wood
Colin Wood Associate Editor
9/5/23 10:59 a.m.

Hearing inline-six noises from a Miata? Priceless.

dwonda New Reader
9/5/23 1:19 p.m.

NB Miata alone will cost twice that.

bumpsteer Reader
9/6/23 5:26 p.m.

In reply to dwonda :

Look harder and learn to haggle. This is not the first NB that has been to the challenge and it won't be the last.

Patrick MegaDork
9/6/23 6:02 p.m.
dwonda said:

NB Miata alone will cost twice that.

oh berkeley off

Stampie MegaDork
9/6/23 6:03 p.m.

In reply to dwonda :

I've bought two NA Miata in the last two years for a 1/4 of that.

alfadriver MegaDork
9/6/23 6:31 p.m.
dwonda said:

NB Miata alone will cost twice that.

It will now that it's found a good home.

DeadSkunk  (Warren)
DeadSkunk (Warren) UltimaDork
9/6/23 7:48 p.m.

The supercharged NB I took to the 2017 Challenge was purchased for $1000.........darned right it can be done.

Olemiss540 Dork
9/7/23 3:44 a.m.
DeadSkunk (Warren) said:

The supercharged NB I took to the 2017 Challenge was purchased for $1000.........darned right it can be done.

That was before everyone died of covid which decreased demand in turn causing supply costs to skyrocket due to labor increases since everyone died making eggs 7 bucks a bushel. 

J.A. Ackley
J.A. Ackley Senior Editor
3/19/24 3:23 p.m.

This build certainly sounded nice indeed. Miatas lend themselves to engine swaps, don't they? 😉

P3PPY SuperDork
3/19/24 6:16 p.m.
J.A. Ackley said:

This build certainly sounded nice indeed. Miatas lend themselves to engine swaps, don't they? 😉

Hahaha way to revive the posting AND restart the conversation! Have you considered flushing the post history??

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