So I built a new 24 x 24 stand alone garage on the property. Its my man cave. Covered the walls with all kinds of retro car posters purchased on ebay. Some of them have swimsuit babes draped over classic cars. Took the wife out to show her my new man cave after every thing was in place and she says to me "if you die I know what things I'm selling first", referring to my girly posters.
I explained to her its a man cave shop and girl/car posters are as natural as a beer fridge. So she says to me "so is a cot and sleeping bag.
To which I reply "Well at least you'll know where I am!!!"
Not really a big deal. She hasn't filed for divorce yet.
The GarageMahal has a no girly posters on the wall, not because they would possibly offend the wife, becuase after hearing The Cramps song "Bikini Gilrs with Machine Guns" pairing them with cars seemed so "normal" I did have one girl & car combo picture on the wall......Michelle Mouton in a SWB Audi.
Now as for the beer fridge I missed that one too, as any ADD poster kid will tell you alcohol is for people who lack the ability to do stupid things sober.
You are correct to tell the wife she knows where you are, many of my wife's friends have questioned the garage obsession and she has always replied "I know exactly where he is at, what he is doing and if I need something fixed he already has tools in his hands"........this is the point where I suspect I've been played but then the smell of pasta drifts out into the garage and I find I've suddenly forgotten everything.
Some battles aren't worth the cost of victory.
Agreed. Sex by yourself just isn't as much fun.... 
2/26/15 9:17 a.m.
My wife is not easily offended after several decades of marriage however is very protective of what our grandkids sees or hears in my shop!
2/26/15 10:39 a.m.
I've been looking for one of these for the garage (MGB sales poster)
2/26/15 12:41 p.m.
My wife buys me the girlie calendars every year. Says a man cave without them would make her wonder about the men inside.

I remember that poster!
And her face around her mouth is just as weird today as it was then.
2/27/15 9:09 a.m.
foxtrapper wrote:
And her face around her mouth is just as weird today as it was then.
Seriously, what is up with that? Is she eating her own hair?
@NOHOME your wife would be correct about the man cave without the girly calendars and the men inside: there are none in my garage, I put fish on pizza, pay good momey for some guy to serve me little pieces of uncooked fish, think the wood chipper seen in Fargo may be the greatest bit of physical comedy possible only rivaled by trailer brawl in Raising Arizona, I have an unhealthy attachment to Coen brothers films as well as Jim Jarmash (sp) flicks and I find Dead Kennedy's California Über Alles very soothing.............additionally one of my wife's coworkers asked if she was a cheerleader in high school, she told them I would never have married her if she was..........felony convictions, seven kids by seven different dads, poisoning the fathers of her last seven problem but former cheerleader no violates a moral code.
Well here's one of the posters I purchased. And I don't even own a 911.
Also the Alfa with attitude poster
Then this is the one that hangs above the beer fridge.

Also this one. Also a couple of muscle car/girl posters but everything else is mostly car posters. I covered the walls with posters mostly because I'm too lazy to sand the drywall joints and paint.

2/28/15 7:59 a.m.
Those are pretty tame. I think your wife has two options as I see it (bearing in mind I don't have to live with her):
1) Get over it.
2) Offer to pose with a professional photographer and give you something else to hang on the walls. (I've seen this done a couple of times and it's pretty awesome)
We're guys. We like beer, cars and boobies. One of the greatest lies of pop-culture society is that we are supposed to pretend we don't like these things. It's no secret to my wife that I like these things: I own several cars, drink beer and grab her boobs at every opportunity. If she doesn't like it...well, I'll miss her. 
Disclaimer: I have no such posters on my walls. I found enough other garage art that my walls are already pretty much covered. I did tell her I'll post a sexy girl picture just as soon as she has the pictures made.
In reply to ddavidv:
My original post was pretty tongue in cheek. She's not really having a problem with it.
In reply to wspohn:
If that's not supposed to be a 911 then what is it? Most guys are probably to busy looking at the girl to notice any ways.
My wife is an artist, with a love of graphic novels, she would appreciate the ditzler poster.
TR8owner wrote:
In reply to wspohn:
Most guys are probably to busy looking at the girl to notice any ways.
Uh - that was wspohn's point....
In reply to MichaelYount:
Got it now.
3/3/15 7:53 a.m.
BTW, if you want racy car pics, TVR did a couple old auto shows in the 1970s with nude models.
Decorum prevents me from posting any for fear of offending anyone, but I always did wonder how they got away with nudity at Earl's Court.....
I think I recall mention from back in the day, that the Earl's Court show would hold a "press day", before it opened to the public. That's when the models posed without their normal attire.