Like a race, a concours is just another type of competition.
It helps if you go in prepared and aware of the ground rules.
We’ve been on both sides of the judging game many
times at major and minor events: Amelia Island, Radnor
Hunt, Hilton Head, Porsche Parade and more. But there
are two guys who know this world even better than we
do: Bill Warner, founder of the Amelia Island Concours
d’Elegance, and Tim McNair, automotive detailer to the
stars. Together we came up with some concours advice.
Before we share it, though, here’s a caveat: Don’t take
concours events too seriously. If you do, the competition
will just eat you up.
Understand the Type of Event: A
general concours is usually different
from a marque club event, and your
car may be better suited to one than
the other. In a general concours,
the cars are evaluated based on
elegance, style, condition, backstory
and so on. The judges will note
a scratch or a flaw, but they may
not know that the valve covers are
the wrong shade of silver or that a
particular model year should have
an alternator instead of a generator.
Judges at a marque club event are
going to pay just as much attention
to the specific details as the overall
beauty of the car.
Also, know how your car will
be classed. Sometimes this
information is hard to get, especially
if the event isn’t well organized, but
it’s nice to know what to expect on
the show field.
We’ve seen perfectly restored
yet relatively common cars get
beat out by lesser vehicles that
simply had a better backstory. If a
car was originally built as a design
study or once owned by the King
of Morocco, then it’s going to get
bonus points no matter what the
make and model.
We know what it’s like to compete
in a stacked field. We recently
entered a slightly modified vehicle in
a class for race cars. When we got
there, we found a row containing cars
from the likes of Indy and Formula
1. While we presented a nice car, we
knew we weren’t taking home any
hardware even before the judges
looked it over.
Understand the Judges:
Judges are made up of teams of
volunteers, and it’s not uncommon
to have an expert paired up with a
couple of celebrities.
Most judges have roots in
the hobby and have developed
penchants for certain cars, colors,
restoration shops and sometimes
even people. Things can get
political, too, and a bossy lead judge
can sway the rest of the panel.
Judges also have their own
opinions when it comes to defining
something as seemingly simple
as elegance. The Pebble Beach
Concours website contains a great
quote from Ansel Adams, legendary
photographer and former honorary
judge: “From a strictly personal
point of view, my definition of an
elegant car would be ‘the kind of car
I would like to be buried in.’”
Understand the Judging
Process: There are different types
of judging at different events. At
Amelia Island, for example, the
“French” style of judging is used,
which basically looks at a car’s
overall elegance.
At other events, however, judges
look more closely at the details.
Do the lights work? Are all the
factory tools and paperwork present?
We recently judged at Hilton Head,
and out of eight or nine cars in the
class, roughly half had some kind
of issue—either the jack and spares
were missing or the lights didn’t
work. At this event, those things
mattered. Nice cars lost points.
The add-ons and backstory can
matter, too. A pleasant owner who
did much of the work at home can
score extra points. A great story
can also elevate a car’s stature—say,
if the owner’s dad bought the car
directly from Bonnie and Clyde just
before they were gunned down.
Finally, it’s important to meet
the judges at your car. If you aren’t
interested enough to be there
when they arrive, you will almost
universally lose points. Having a
handler there is better than nothing,
but make sure that handler knows
the whole story.
Understand the Prep: Our buddy
Tim McNair details the cars of the
stars. Name a topflight concours,
and he has prepped cars for it. Odds
are he’s taken home some major
hardware from it, too.
One of his best tips is to keep
your blacks black and every other
contrast correct. Black rubber
should be black as night, chrome
should be shiny, and amber lenses
should glow even when the lights
are off. As he reminds us, perfect
paint looks like hell next to marginal
chrome or faded black rubber.
A few more of his quick tips: Use
a good rubber treatment where
needed; bamboo skewers are great
for cleaning tight places; and use a
clay bar before buffing and waxing
your paint.
Concours Tips From the Top: Amelia Island Concours Founder Bill Warner
Creator and grand pooh-bah of arguably one of the best and most famous
concours event in the country is our good friend Bill Warner. He offered these
additional tips for entering your first concours event:
• We build the show around
themes and anniversaries. A car
that fits the themes stands a better
chance of being accepted than a car
that does not.
• Having other national awards—
helps us separate the great cars
from the average.
• Fresh restorations that have not
been seen at other shows get the
highest priority with us, and the rarer,
the better. If the car has been to every
other significant show in the country
before coming to Amelia, it stands
very little chance of being accepted.
We owe it to the patrons of the show
to present a fresh, innovative show
with rare and unusual cars.
• The car should not be
misrepresented—for example, don’t
advertise that it has been restored
as a roadster when it was originally
a sedan. We try to investigate each
car to make sure it is correct.
• Have documentation with
the car to show the judges in the
event that it is
necessary to
confirm certain
details. Although
we try hard,
judges can’t
know everything,
so have your
with you.
• The devil is in the details.
Make sure the car is properly
prepared, with all lights and horn
operational. Charge the battery
and put gas in the car. You just
cannot imagine how many cars at
Amelia have to be either fueled or
• Know your car! There are many
owners who have “handlers” to
handle their car. The owner hasn’t a
clue on how to start or drive it. For
• If the judges ask, tell them what
you know about your car. Help them
understand what you went through
to prepare the car for the show.
• Don’t count on getting a trophy.
Just come and have a good time.
There are more important things
in life to worry about. If you win an
award, all the better.
Good article. And the best advice is given at the very beginning of it, and at the very end. Go to these events to exhibit your pride and joy, and to have a great time. It's an honor just to be invited to one of these events to begin with, don't ruin it by taking things too seriously at awards time.
I agree with Tim McNair about keeping your black, tire's etc., black. Look at both pictures in this article the tires are black, they are not shiny black, they are just black.
I can't tell you how many great cars I've seen ruined at show because the presenter thought all the rubber should be shiny! Just because a used car lot markets shiny tires, doesn't make them correct.
And yes, if you have the original window sticker, tools, manuals, etc. show them!! You don't need a big sign board, just place them where they show. You're already a few steps ahead of many in the pack!
i was at the 1st Amelia show, didnt see Grassroots tho!
but it was a very classy affair.
Although Tim S. wrote this two years ago, it was timely for Rupert to 'pop this to the top' again for the start of the season and necessary preparations to begin.
2/5/16 5:24 p.m.
In reply to gjz30075:
Yep, the early birds are already hard at it! At my age, hard at it no longer exists.
Funny for whatever reason I didn't ever read that article before.
I just got asked to bring the Mini that we just finished, to the Keeneland Concours.
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