A friend of mine is selling his two 8800GTS video cards. Not sure if it's ok to post something like this in here or not, but I don't browse that many forums. And there are a lot of members here like myself that buy everything with a budget in mind. So I thought I would pass on the info on a good deal. BTW, I personally witnessed these video cards score mid 12,000s in 3D Mark 06.
I will relay any questions or inquiries immediately.
My Friend said: I have 2 EVGA 640-P2-N828-BR GeForce 8800 GTS that I can in SLI for sale/trade. I am selling/trading b/c I am looking into buying 2 GTX 260. They are in perfect working condition. The plastic shroud on one of the video cards has the vent opening opened up more. When I used them in SLI the card on top was running 3-5C hotter because it was so close to the second card. Opening up the plastic vent solved this problem. The NVidia sticker on the plastic cover was removed when this was done. The second card is in original condition. They each have 640MB. I have run 64bit XP and 64bit Vista, they run perfectly. I have run Crysis with them. I had most of the settings on high or very high. It ran great. They have never been overclocked. I am asking $190 for both, or $100 for one plus shipping. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.