I know there was a recent thread here on some of the Kirby dirty tricks, with some discussion regarding good vacuums, but we're in the market for a new one, and(much like my Dixie Chopper mower) I'd like to make it last for a good 20-years or more.
FWIW, our floors are mostly hardwood or vinyl, we have 6-cats + 3-teenagers, and if we're lucky we might actually get off our lazy butts & vacuum once every couple months. Yeah, we're slobs, but we're never home to notice it. 
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
5/18/10 3:23 p.m.
With that little use, I'd expect nearly anything to last :shrug:
We vacuum about 5x per week and our Dyson has lasted about 4 years so far with no signs of problems.
Roomba! We love ours. We have the "Pet Edition" that can handle lots of pet hair. Clean it after each use and let it do the work.
BTW, can someone move this to Off-Topic? Doh!
My wife bought an Orick for $299 and it has lasted 11 years now. I have fixed a few small items; but I myself have found it to be decent and lightweight.
go figure.......(that I am talking about vacuum cleaners)
I'm in nearly the same boat. Everything is either wood or tile, with a few rugs. I bought a cheap bagless vacuum at a yard sale for $10. I run it over the rugs about once a week or so, and it's been fine. I would think with that kind of minimal use, just get anything you can find that's cheap.
5/18/10 4:06 p.m.
dyson.. pretty much sums it up from our end.
Per Schroeder wrote:
With that little use, I'd expect nearly anything to last :shrug:
We vacuum about 5x per week and our Dyson has lasted about 4 years so far with no signs of problems.
While we don't vacuum that much, I have two hardcore shedders in the house. Dyson has been the only one to hold up.
With that said, ifI could get an older lightly used Filter queen I probably would. THe last one that my family had lasted 30 years. Literally.
Per Schroeder wrote:
With that little use, I'd expect nearly anything to last :shrug:
We vacuum about 5x per week and our Dyson has lasted about 4 years so far with no signs of problems.
Dyson animal. Seriously they last forever, 5x times a week and three long hair, show cats that shed.
(if my wife finds out that people vacuum 5x a week I am in big trouble!)
5/18/10 6:06 p.m.
I had a Miele canister for years and it was the best vacuum I've ever owned. Last time I checked, they were pretty price though.
I got the mrs a Roomba and that things awesome! works better than our upright, and you can program it... Plus its fun to watch!
5/19/10 12:52 a.m.
Got 2 orecks. They've held up to a couple of great pyrenees (each one is around 10-15x the size of a cat).
5/19/10 2:16 a.m.
We have a Eureka - consumer reports (trust them for vacuums) rated that one higher than the dysons etc for pet hair. It's been OK, a bit heavy and the hose is slowly breaking, but it's been four years. We vacuum once or more per day.
By the way, two kids, two 75 lb dogs, hardwoods with area rugs. The Kirby guy told me my new $2500 vacuum would save me money on not having to replace my floors because of all of the ground up dirt on my floor. As my two year old dragged a stool across the floor, stopped, dropped a toy and my dogs skidded their way threw the room... Yeah dude, that's what's gonna do the floors in.
5/19/10 5:36 a.m.
pinchvalve wrote:
(if my wife finds out that people vacuum 5x a week I am in big trouble!)
Really. There are some SICK people in the world!
I have several Roombas. The vac models don't have much capacity and don't really tolerate a really hairy environment that well. You will end up taking it apart and pulling hair out of gears, motors, etc... just to keep it functioning. They also don't hold a charge all that long. Between the lack of capacity and the moderate battery life you really need about 4 of them to be useful. Using only 1 means you spend all day moving it from room to room just to clean the floors once. I actually like the Dirt Dog model the best. It only sweeps, but it has waay more capacity, is cheaper, and designed for a little more rugged terrain.
I used a Rainbow for at least 9 years when growing up at my parents house. They are expensive initially, but no more than a Dyson.
I had some killer allergies, and lived with a cat and three dogs. The Rainbow helped tremendously.
We have had no problems out of our Dyson. I would recommend it to anyone.
The roomba we have sux, and not in a good vacuum way. I need a transmission for it. Designed by Mshiny happy people, Made in China.
We bought a Hoover Mach 5 at wally world. That thing sucks like a Hoover. It would suck start a Harley. We're happy with it.
5/19/10 1:08 p.m.
Like alot of people are saying, we have a Dyson and it has been great.
Well, I went the cheap route after all & bought a Eureka 4870MZ. It got great reviews for suction, pet hair, and wood floors, though there were a few negative comments about some pieces breaking - but for $118-shipped, it was hard to pass up.
barnca wrote:
dyson.. pretty much sums it up from our end.
w3rd. the amount of crap it pulls out of our "clean" carpets is amazing. plus, unlike cheap vacuums, you can buy parts and fix it. things you can fix >> disposable cheap things.
Shop vac.
It's the only thing that handles pet hair and cockatoo mess.
If you only have hardwood and vinyl, get a good shop vac. I would get one that is typically used in the garage and has a LONGGGGGG hose.
My wife bought a stupid Kirby years ago. Its been fine, but the hose is so short you have to pick up the vacuum to try and vacuum cobwebs off the ceiling.
I used to sell vacuums, my reccomendation is that the Dyson is great, BUT expensive.
The sole rights to the technology ran out and Bissell reverse engineered one and offered it as the Healthy Home, which is only $200 vs a much more expensive Dyson.
That said, the Dyson does carry a better warranty. I went with a previous version of the Healthy Home and it works great for me.
(edit - looks like Bissell up'd the warranty since I sold them)