Ok, I've been debating this for a while and I've decided to throw my name out now. I am hereby offering to do a hand drawn (like, with pencils and E36 M3) team logo for you. For free*.
*Free meaning, I will never ask for money, nor will I accept it. If you make shirts, I would like one. If you make stickers, I would like one. If you get it tattooed on you- I would like a picture. I've done this in the past out of boredom (see the Grosh logo, the GroceryLife stickers that I need to redesign, south Atlanta's speeding chicken, and revrico420s bbq joint logo...and bbq joint logo tattoo). However, free means free, so even if you take my work, get cover of grm, and never say a word about it to anyone, we're square.
As of right now, I plan on being at challenge. I won't have a car, but I have a habit of bringing a box of markers with me, and could possibly do a E36 M3ty logo, directly on your car. (Even in chrome! I have chrome markers.)
What you need to do- tell me what you want. Maschinbau told me he wanted a hybrid of the seal of Atlanta and some sidepipes and flames- he got that. I got a shirt. I will also give you the original drawing, complete with left handed smears of pencil, eraser marks, and whatever other doodles happen to end up on the page. I don't want anything from this- seriously. And as I am officially offering this to anyone that wants it, FOR FREE- I don't think it'll count as a budget hit. I'll probably post the work here too, so you can vilify me in public, unless otherwise notes because you have some sort of super secret challenge whatever. I'm not great at PM's because they got to an ancient email address (seriously. Hotmail) and I rarely check it anymore- so feel free to drop a request directly here or holler at me or something.
First come first served, offer void in Guam and Christmas island, not responsible for any sickness or death as a result of said logo.