$25 or even $45 for a harnesses is crazy cheap?!
I've made harnesses, there is at least that much in materials and skilled labor to make a simple harness.
hooray I got my package from Exeter PA today!
boo hiss it's an ultimate sewer kit. WTF!?
oh yeah the threads title was too good to be true.
If it isn't as advertised, send it back. In this rare instance Ebay will actually back you.
If this:
Painless 18 Circuit Pickup Harness with Non GM Keyed Column features modern blade-type fuses with clearly labeled circuits, corrosion resistant construction and a compact design. This wiring harness constitutes of high temperature TXL wire which has twice the voltage rating of standard general purpose wire, withstands temperatures up to 275 degrees, will not kink and is abrasion resistant, making it much easier to route.
Wasn't in the box, send it back snail mail. No big deal, cost you five bucks or so to learn a lesson.
Wow, that sucks. His FB score is a issue as well since it's rated so high. It needs to be lowered "accurately". Make sure you do leave FB otherwise another poor sap is going to go thru the same BS.
I've fortunately only needed to do a minimal amount of sewer work over the years(other than the time I had to design & install a new septic system myself 10-days before closing on the sale of our house)...but I've never once been in a situation where a product like that would have come in handy, let alone be the "ultimate".
In reply to TeamEvil:
Way too big to ship for $5. I'm pretty sure ebay will make him pay return shipping because it's a huge berkeleyup from the seller.
Sine_Qua_Non said: Wow, that sucks. His FB score is a issue as well since it's rated so high. It needs to be lowered "accurately". Make sure you do leave FB otherwise another poor sap is going to go thru the same BS.
eBay said: Sorry, you can't leave negative or neutral Feedback for this PowerSeller until 7 days after purchase. In the mean time, please contact the seller to try to work things out.
Just got home today and unpackaged my new....
Sewer kit.
Oh well, it was worth a try. I guess it's time to start the return process.
I've got a new found confidence in what will arrive.
Just came in from checking over the drag car/autocross car and realized that I REALLY don't need much in the way of wiring and switches/fuse box.
For the price of a breakfast for my wife and me, if there's just barely enough to work with or join up with what I've already collected . . . I'm good to go. especially if it's at least clean. Getting REAL tired of washing junk yard parts.
Of course, nothing has arrived as yet, so I'm just shooting at shadows, but I literally HAVE used toilet/plumbing components in the car so far, so a bit more isn't gonna hurt TOO much.
Maybe ?
The sewer kit and the wiring harness have a similar part number. My guess is they just put up the first picture and description that came up in a search.
Just called & started return process. Looks like they spoke to a few of you guys first as they launched into an apology as soon as they looked up my order.
They were quite surprised when I offered to hand-return the item as their return address is less than 10 miles from my home.
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