Calvin and I went to two flea markets this morning.
This post is for two groups of people.
Group 1 - for those who were asking about seats … and you asked if I could try to find you some… the prices have gone up. In the past we were able to get a bunch of seats for five and ten dollars. The five seats that we picked up today cost a total of $70. Two for $10 each, two were $15 each, and one was $20. We still have two more flea markets to go and I will continue to try to find cheaper ones for you. We still have three seats up in the barn. Get a hold of me if you are one of those who asked me to get you one.
Group 2 - your whispering behind the back derogatory comments were heard and shared. You're more than welcome to join us at the next two flea markets and see it for yourself.

I blame the popularity of sim racing
Oh dang, I need to find some flea markets apparently!
Butler built seats are comfy... just don't sleep in one. It was comfy enough for a 800 mile round trip.
My Butlerbuilt with a hammered to hell Kirkey cover was $40 in my budget. It was one of like 3 seats at the flea market, and the cheapest one by far.
I'm down for a cheap seat if they are not claimed.
I could use one if there are any available, top secret project 2020 needs a race seat and i just have a stack of $25 plastic ones because our swap meets blow compared to yours
Damn our seat was way over budget
Where are and/or what kind of flea markets are these?
In reply to rob_lewis :
Probably dirt track swap meet. Usually pretty good spot for AN fittings, seats, shocks, springs, Heim joints etc...
I've got at least one Kirkey super cheap if anyone needs one for a Challenge car.
Clearly, I've been shopping at the wrong swap meets.
rob_lewis said:
Where are and/or what kind of flea markets are these?
Local dirt track flea markets for seats.
We go to an average of 9 flea markets a year. This tim of year is heavy dirt track FMs.
Did you notice the $20 seat above cane with cover and in date belts? The dirt guys strip their cars at the end of each season and seats, belts, shocks, hose, lines, brakes all get stripped and sold at these FMs. We buy bucket filled with AN stuff every year.
11/3/19 11:29 a.m.
90% of my Emod Ranger that isn't repurposed OEM parts, is repurposed short track bits sourced from swap meets.
$20 for a seat with a cover and current belts is a bitchin deal.
In reply to DeadSkunk (Warren) :
More money than sense?
Had a customer that had a sprint car team, he purchased a machine to laser engrave his logo onto every part. He then later complained how much money he wasted.
DeadSkunk (Warren) said:
wheels777 said: The dirt guys strip their cars at the end of each season and seats, belts, shocks, hose, lines, brakes all get stripped and sold at these FMs. We buy bucket filled with AN stuff every year.
Why would they do that?
It costs more in labor to clean than replace. They have to answer for performance to their sponsors. They can't afford to loose a race for a reused fitting. I've heard a lot of reasons over the years.
I won't reuse an fittings or race seats in my endurance race car. For a challenge car? He'll yes!

Cover is skanky. Needs padding. Will trade for a handle of Mr McCormicks fine quadruple distilled vodka ($11.99 at my local spot.)
Come get it.
New Reader
11/13/19 4:02 p.m.
Would you mind posting the dates and locations of some upcoming swap meets?! I would go on a serious road trip to be able to get AN fittings and some kit kirkey seats....please please post. I live in South Carolina but this would be a great excuse for a road trip
davbro said:
Would you mind posting the dates and locations of some upcoming swap meets?! I would go on a serious road trip to be able to get AN fittings and some kit kirkey seats....please please post. I live in South Carolina but this would be a great excuse for a road trip
The last flea market is a great small one. But not worth the trip for NC. For that you will want to go to the spring Maple Grove event. That is well worth the trip. If you do come up, swing by. We have a sturdy welcome mat and plenty of seats at the table.
New Reader
11/15/19 8:03 p.m.
I checked the site and it looks like early April. i will definitely plan to make it. thanks for the link!
I need an NB Miata size seat badly and i wear size 38 pants. Can paypal cost plus shipping plus that Mr Mccormick's you mentioned immediately if you have something that would work and needs a new home. I also plan to go to our local small asphalt oval and ask around too.
...are there any of these flea markets in the KC area? I know of 'a' flea market, but I don't believe it's anything like the ones you're going to.