New Reader
4/12/09 8:15 p.m.
dang man. you cant find somewhere to leave these while you cant store them? how much is a small storage locker for a couple years? I'd try to find a freind or relatives house to leave at least the rollaway at rather than selling them and starting over.
store the wedding present, dump the rest
willy19592 wrote:
store the wedding present, dump the rest
Use the rollaway as a table or something. Pull the wheels off and use it in the house. Great way to store kitchen stuff or kids stuff.
Please message me with details about "sockets and contents of rollaway" including price plz!
as some one who has been married for 30 years, 600 will be cheap down the road when she tells you how mean you were selling the wedding present
but if you know your wife well enough, have at it.
(lord have mercy on his soul) 
and you believed that, you sir are going to learn the age old payback......"well I never sold your gift to me" when in anger.............
aussiesmg wrote:
and you believed that, you sir are going to learn the age old payback......"well I never sold your gift to me" when in anger.............
you can lead a horse......
but some things, that horse has to learn by getting smacked in the middle of its forehead, or having the BIT pulled into its mouth, on his own.
we tried 
Financially sound reasoning, goes out the window on this one, my young friend
(I assume you are young ;) ) lol
So if you do sell that wedding gift (which was incredibly thoughtful gift from your bride) Will you promise to tell us when it backfires?
Now, on the other side of this, try this one out.
"Honey, I thought of this once again, ya know, I really cant part with this gift you gave me, even though the cost to keep it is just silly. I just cant get rid of it, I knew you put thought into it, and I want to keep it for when we are old and retired"
dude, ya will get your money's worth from it

ignorant wrote:
willy19592 wrote:
store the wedding present, dump the rest
not worth it.
Bought on clearance,Its a small homeowner one and the replacement cost will be less than storage.
Even if I got free storage(which I have) It'll cost me $300+ to get the box to my friends house and who knows what to get it to wherever the hell I'll be in 3 years. So for $600 + the amount of money I get for selling it now, I can craigslist some new stuff when I need it and take the difference and earn interest on it.
Ultimate goal is to sell stuff now, then when I get a house.. to buy something like this
Thats a nice set up!
My Step Dad had one like that, when he died (master tech for oldsmobile) I was not into cars, but my son was, I asked my mom to give that to my boy rather than to me. She did. i since got into cars (obviously) and have bought some neat roller cabs, and some crap cabs. ya know? I use them both, our miata shop gets more miles out of the cheap one, I dont lock it up, its all purpose, and just keep ticking.
My Son and I share a shop, he has that neat roller locked away, it never sees day light. blecch that aint what tools are meant for.. but they are his to do with as he pleases.
an old friend of mine that I take care of, also gave me all his mech tools, I have them out to use all the time too, although we use mostly metric, and his are sae, it feels good to use those old tools when I can,
ignorant wrote:
willy19592 wrote:
So if you do sell that wedding gift (which was incredibly thoughtful gift from your bride) Will you promise to tell us when it backfires?
My wife told me to do this.. It wasn't my idea. Some people. . Christ.
sorry. tried to help, and be light. Ive been where you are.
good luck.
I wont bother you again
I would be tempted to keep some tools on hand, at least what I can fit into a duffle bag or backpack. At least then you have stuff to fix whatever breaks in your 1 bedroom apartment, your bike or scooter you use to commute with, do an oil change on the neighbors car in exchange for beer or laundry machine usage, etc.
93gsxturbo wrote:
I would be tempted to keep some tools on hand, at least what I can fit into a duffle bag or backpack. At least then you have stuff to fix whatever breaks in your 1 bedroom apartment, your bike or scooter you use to commute with, do an oil change on the neighbors car in exchange for beer or laundry machine usage, etc.
already have a tool bag packed. Thats the stuff left over.
Dear God Man,
Take from one who is on his THIRD wife.
I still have my High School auto shop Snap-Ons
and many many more
Wives come and go
Please find a way to store them somehwere, parents, uncles basement .. someplace
If you were within a day's drive of me, I'd come pick all of it up, and hold it for you for free until you wanted it back. Only payment would be use of the stuff until you came back for it, but too bad for both of us, I'm in NJ.
New Reader
4/18/09 11:49 a.m.
I don't care what she says now; it's not OK to sell the wedding present.
Don't be an oaf. 
You'll both regret it. Make it work somehow.
4/18/09 12:08 p.m.
I wonder if all these guys who insist that women are irrational creatures who can't be trusted or have their words taken at face value have ever considered that these assumptions MIGHT be the reason they have been through so many of them?
Josh wrote:
I wonder if all these guys who insist that women are irrational creatures who can't be trusted or have their words taken at face value have ever considered that these assumptions MIGHT be the reason they have been through so many of them?
Right.. It got me so mad to read all of this great "advice" people were giving me. Geez. So you all would really spend $1000 over the next 2 years to save yourself $350. If your significant other cannot disassociate feelings from things then I think you have an issue. No wonder the divorce rate is so high.
Tools are sold. Want to give me some more advice, my address is in the found in my signature.... come over and tell me and my wife to our face.
You are doing the write thing. I dont know how old you are but 20 years ago I was in a similar situation 2 kids new wife no job and a house. I sold everything to make it work. You do what you have to do. If the marriage is real (and yours sounds like it) you are a team and the two of you will make it work. No blaming no tossing it in the others face down the road.
Be strong all the material things are replaceable. A great wife and the smile and the hug from a child, your child will rock your world. (and is not replaceable) It puts things in order. Experiencing it is a major dividing line in life between those that have and have not.
Again you are doing the write thing and it sounds like you have a great wife to boot!!!!!! I know things probably suck and the moment but in many ways you are also a very lucky man! Now go out and get some flowers from the side of the road and bring them home to your wife!!! Trust me on this! Means much more than any wedding present ever will.
Thanks for the words of encouragement.
I think the "keep the tools" comments are really funny, but I agree with dean1484 that you should put your wife and family first and everything else can be replaced.
I sold my 1966 Datsun Roadster 1600 to buy a piano and pay some bills almost 12 years ago.
Do i regret it? Somedays I do get wrapped up in materialism and wish I didn't, but in the end the son ended up doing well in music and went on to play 8 years of french horn. (used single french horn $500, new double french horn $1700 ----> almost the price of a clapped out barely running Datsun)
I know I can always get another soon his Chevrolet Lumina is out of my garage.