I've seen that back window sell for north of $400.....
1965 Plymouth barracuda. No motor. No trAns. Has rear axle Floor pan rusted.
Has back seat and some trim. Has back glass and all windows work
And doors. Needs a windshield. It's going to the scrapper this weekend
So make me a deal. 400$ obo. No trades refused Will consider trades for a 4x4 truck. Fourwheeler.
Chevy or ford truck parts. Want to sell this weekend. I have a bill of sale.
Josh. 678-920-8992
Can text more pictures

I know you were thinking of it ..... 

too bad the 65 wasn't the best looking barracuda.

6/4/13 3:17 p.m.
The rear window is worth more than that.
6/4/13 3:46 p.m.
Just saw a nice running version of this at a cruise-in Sunday. I wonder if he wants another shell?
The one for sale is a '66.

Very similar to the '64-65, but has big flat bumpers, a flat front, different taillights and quarters.
Despite what Discovery reality TV car shows will tell you, used rear windows aren't that expensive, and are easy to come by.
For the early ones I prefer the '64-65. But the '68 is the best looking one. 
6/5/13 2:08 p.m.
My, my.. That could be stylish Challenge material...
Wow, that would be at or above challenge money up here if it just needs floors and is straight as it looks.