I'm selling a 1985 Mazda RX-7 that's located in upstate NY, just inside the line for the Adirondack park.
Car is in decent rolling shape. Missing tail lights, interior seats & shift knob. Rotary engine IS in the car, but no idea of its history, and I have not heard it run. Car will have to be towed or trailered.
More information upon asking. Pics can be taken upon request, but will take me a day or so as I live approximately 45 minutes from where the car is sitting. What you read here is what I remember right now.
Asking $900 or B.O., and this is flexible, as I want the car gone, and would rather see it go to a fellow Grassroots member. (Edited to reflect a lower price - great for an engine swap!)
Message me here for more. Thanks!