This is a painful one to pass on, but I have no room to buy it for myself:
91 vw Gti mk2 8 valve. Stopped running i dont know why, never had time to look at it. Everything has always worked fine on it . Needs a new hood, have a brand new set of bumpers also included. They are still in the package never been messed with it. It needs a new hood . Interior is nice.
1000 obo
Text me at 8--threeee--2-4--6--2-4--0--9--sixx

Those are getting really expensive in california, like $4k+ for a somewhat nice one. I can't stand how cheaply made they are and how hard the 8v is to get running right, but I bet they will be the next alfa gtv as far as prices goes.
8/16/12 1:49 p.m.
xflowgolf wrote:
but it needs a new hood
Looks like it's in a pretty nice hood right now. They are probably selling since it brings down the property value.
EvanB wrote:
xflowgolf wrote:
but it needs a new hood
Looks like it's in a pretty nice hood right now. They are probably selling since it brings down the property value.
Houston is weird like that. I was amazed how cheap nice looking homes were there in the surrounding suburbs.
Yeah, those houses are probably in the $135k-$150k range.
Yep, they are expensive, at least partly because there's no state income tax. I pay around $4k a year in property tax on my house.
On topic: The link is still working, so this GTI is (surprisingly) still available.
i have a 1991 vw gti like this!
im not selling any of my vw parts..i still have to put motor in it!
I've got a '91 GTI with a good hood, AND a 16v engine....AND only 53K on the odo. AND mine runs just fine.
Somebody here really needs this car. If for no other reason than to keep me from dreaming of buying it to rallycross.
I have a Spitfire project.
I have a Spitfire project.
I have a Spitfire project.
I need a GTI... doh!
In reply to Travis_K:
A '91 should be Digifant. Tough to get any power out of, but should be easier to get running than an older one with CIS. Pretty much "plug & play".
I have never seen a digifant vw that ran properly.
Travis_K wrote:
I have never seen a digifant vw that ran properly.
Really? No flame, bro-just curious. Mine was great, as long as I didn't have any vacuum leaks. What have you seen them do?
The ones I have had much experience with have been the more complicated california ones, but the biggest problems have been timing advance issues(a $350 rebuilt distributor will usually fix that), and idling too low when you first start it, then way too high once it's warm and you are sitting at a stoplight. The one my sister has always needs work lol. The other one I helped work on has a 180hp tdi in it now, that one works a lot better lol.
In reply to Travis_K:
Wow, that's weird. I did have one distributor go, but it was at 150K and throwing a used one in got it running again. I never realized the California cars were that different.
Honestly I think the reason they are reliable is also the reason they are so hard to get to work right, they will run (poorly) with almost all the sensors partially or completely dead, so when things go wrong they still drive, just rather badly. The CA ones (RV code engine) have sequential rather than batch fire fuel injection, primitive OBD, and a few other differences.