So I picked this up last fall for the sole purpose of being a rally beater. Done 7 events with the car. When I bought it it needed a water pump, so I did a water pump and timing belt and then proceeded to beat on it. As of today it looks like I should be first in stock fwd for DC region RallyX so that means I've done what I set out to do and now it's up for sale.
Title in previous owner's name, never registered in mine, exhaust has started to divorce itself from the car, and it idles rough. Airbag sensor bad so airbag is disconnected. Passenger window crank broke so it's fixed in the up position. Oh, and it's ugly as hades. Otherwise it starts every time and runs great. $300 with street tires or $400 with snows. Would be perfect for lemons or chump or keep the rally thing going with it. Located in Stafford, VA.

Oh yeah, 4 cyl, 5 speed, 191k miles. Popup headlights even still work! No battery, I just use one out of my other cars once every so often.
Free bump so I can bitch that it's to far away for me to get.
Dammit, I'm moving to FWD class now that both you and Brent are gone. Then I can be the champion :)
You gonna get something else, Carl? Get an e30 and join the club :)
Josh, not sure where I'm going next. Part of me really wants to get a fox body mustang to come out there and harass you E30's. Not sure if I'll be doing RallyX next year or not, though, so who knows.
Damn why are you so far away. I am about start searching for a Rallyx beater.
I did not need to look in here. 
CLynn85 wrote:
Josh, not sure where I'm going next. Part of me really wants to get a fox body mustang to come out there and harass you E30's. Not sure if I'll be doing RallyX next year or not, though, so who knows.
Whoa, whoa, whoa..........since when are you a FORD guy? 
Still have the convertible?
Bump, heading to the scrap yard this week.
Flynlow - you'd crap yourself if you saw what I'm building next. Pop has the convertible now.