11/27/12 10:37 p.m.
Still cleaning. Need space, need money. 

- Porsche High Performance Driving Handbook by Vic Elford, like new, $10 SOLD
- How to Understand, Service, and Modify Ford Fuel Injection & Electronic Ignition Control by Charles Probst, like new, $25
- How to Draw Cars Like a Pro by Thom Taylor, like new, $5 SOLD
- Maximum Boost by Corky Bell, like new, $20
- Supercharging, Turbocharging, & Nitrous Oxide Performance Handbook by Earl Davis, like new, $7 SOLD
- RX-7: Mazda's Legendary Sportscar (Plus LeMans & IMSA GTO 1991) - This is the large hardback book that chronicles the FD and 787B in detail and is extremely hard to find. Like new - $65 SOLD
- ~10-12 Porsche Club of America Panorama magazines plus ~6 9 Magazines, back issues, read once - $10 for the lot SOLD
Prices are OBO and do NOT include shipping! Most of these can be sent Parcel Post for cheap.
11/28/12 9:18 a.m.
Vic Elford, the RX-7 book, and Maximum Boost all pending.
New Reader
11/28/12 10:14 a.m.
Let me know if the Vic Elford deal falls through, thanks.
Javelin wrote:
PM responded
I didn't receive anything. Did you send it to the gmail address that I mentioned in the pm?
Edit:I'm nevermind,I found it.
11/28/12 9:32 p.m.
Wow, most everything is sold. Max Boost is pending. The Ford EEC book is all that's left. (It's good, too).
11/30/12 11:25 a.m.
Price drop on the EEC book to $20.
11/30/12 12:28 p.m.
Hey, you've got money, not related to the books though.
11/30/12 12:48 p.m.
I noticed how much you paid to ship the hot wheels I got last time. I figure I owed you more than you sold them to me for. I didn't have much left in paypal, but it's now in your account.
11/30/12 1:20 p.m.
Wow man, you really didn't have to do that. Thank you. 
11/30/12 1:38 p.m.
Yeah, and you didn't have to give your fellow GRMers a deal. You could have eBayed the lot and got more money. Luke and I appreciate it. He LOVES the Subie. Loves it!
12/3/12 12:48 p.m.
Thanks man, that meant a lot. I'll keep Luke in mind the next time I find more die-casts I'm willing to part with. 
Also, price drop on the EEC book to $15. If no takers by Friday, I'll list it on Amazon.
PPS - All other books have been shipped. Enjoy!