Unpacking boxes I found a bunch of my old vhs tapes, including the video GRM made of the $2001 challenge. If you attended or participated in the event and want to reminisce, this one's for you. $15 shipped.
Unpacking boxes I found a bunch of my old vhs tapes, including the video GRM made of the $2001 challenge. If you attended or participated in the event and want to reminisce, this one's for you. $15 shipped.
I thought they never released that video to the public. Only place I remember seeing it was during the banquets at subsequent challenges.
If I remember correctly, this is one of 200 copies. There is a sticker with the edition number on the case.
Huh. Somehow I have no recollection of this. Meanwhile I'm dying for footage of my car, Pinky. There were few digital cams back then, let alone digital outlets like YouTube. Anyway, enough of my tangent, I'll take the vid. I hope there's footage of my car, but I'll take it regardless...
PM me w/ your email addy and I'll paypal the $$$
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