Free free free. Whats the FMV on free? You guessed it, since it was offered here, to you fine GRM folks the FMV is free!
As you may have read, Team OK-Speed's Miata had a...un-hem...incident
with the GRM Miata. In a previous race it may or may not have met a Mustang. and/or a Futura wagon prior to that. So she's a little haggared (its not the free car):
So a buddy donated his shell after gutting this one for his Exocet project. The fenders, doors, hood, doors, front and rear clips and everything else are spoken for. If you want, you can have my old beat up bits but this is a bare bones, untitled shell only.
No panels, no wiring, no interior, no suspension, top, subframe or title. If it can come off this car, it is gone.
There is a little rust on the rear fender lips, but otherwise it is solid. Transfer your rusty bits, or buy the sweet $500 rusty one from willrunifchased here ;...and build a fun one yourself.
Or drop in the sinister drivetraine of your choosing and have a blast at GRM $2K14 at VIR.
Shell is located in Moore Okalahoma, I can help you load and show you the nearest BBQ joint, but outside of that, I can't deliver.
and just becuase someone asked on a similair offering once, no you cannot drive this home.
No, you cannot go to the junkyard, get the parts, build it here and drive it home.
No, you cannot tow dolly it.
and No, I do not have a title, can't get one and won't try.
This vehicle was given to me to help with my LeMons car and cannot sell it in good conscience, so don't offer me any cash to do something with it other than give it to you.
There is an experiration date to this. If I hear nothing in a week, off to the recyclers she goes. Daddy needs LeMons money.
Post here or email at evilmental at gmail dot com.