Sorry for the non-automotive listing but I thought some on here might be interested.
I have a brand new Google CR-48 laptop running ChromeOS I'm looking to part ways with. Long story short, I submitted a request for one months and months ago and this randomly showed up on my doorstep about a month ago. I've played around with it but it isn't my thing.
For those with the technical ability there are documents hacks for installing OS X or Windows 7. Comes with all documentation, AC adapter, unused stickers, etc. Just sign in with your Gmail account and go - I believe it also includes a whopping 100MB/month of free 3G cellular data thru Verizon.
Hardware Specs
Based on eBay and such I'm looking for $250 + S&H.

Is that basically a large smartphone?
Is it like a netbook, or more like a tablet that folds open?
What do you use it for?
Sorry for the questions, I have never seen one of these before.
It's basically a web/cloud based netbook. It's got an Atom processor, 2GB RAM and a 16GB SSD as well as a 12.1" screen (1280x800), a/b/g/n wifi, web cam, cellular modem and bluetooth.
Ubuntu install
OS X install
Win7 install
Bigger SSD Swap
etc., etc....
7/2/11 11:14 a.m.
so that would work the same as a lap top for taking to the track .... tuning, downloading each track session, etc... ?
I know the question seems rather basic, but keep in mind how little I actually know about computers 
7/2/11 11:20 a.m.
fastEddie wrote:
I believe it also includes a whopping 100MB/month of free 3G cellular data thru Verizon.
Wow, that's a great deal....if you had posted that last month, I would definitely bought it instead of my Kindle. I got the big kindle because the free 3G gave me internet access anywhere.....this would have done the same with a much better browser.
WB, if you installed Win7 then yes but you're not going to be able to do much with the ChromeOS unless it is web based (Google Apps, etc.). It's also a bit limited on input/output ports with just (1) USB 2.0, (1) VGA, (1) SD reader, and (1) audio out.
Here's a good review of the laptop.
And here's some more info on the free data plan.
Posting this to Craigslist this afternoon - first come first serve....
I keep hoping for one to show up on my door step.. office or home. I submitted for both
is this one of the acer or samsung units? does it have a backlit keyboard? i am looking at getting one a used one would be fine with me too.
No this is one of Google's own but there isn't much different between it and the new Sammy and acer units except maybe an extra USB port... Oh and the Sammy 3G model retails for $500, so this guys is 50% cheaper!
. And to my knowledge none of the new units have backlit keyboards either.
EDIT - looks like the Sammy model has a mini-VGA out port and the Acer has an HDMI out while the CR-48 has a std VGA out port.
And "used", while technically correct, is a bit of a stretch for this machine, I have maybe 2 hours on it.
Still available? If so please email me...
jstepheningram at google mail dot com
JoeyM, got your PM plus another one. Will follow with both of you tomorrow.
I hate that we both applied and you got one and I did not.