Not mine, no affiliation, came across it on an isuzu board, thought I would pass it along.
"handling by lotus"
Not mine, no affiliation, came across it on an isuzu board, thought I would pass it along.
"handling by lotus"
I'm not all the way across the country...but why would I want this car? Help me understand its merits.
Its a I will bet it is the 88-89 version wich is FWD. A fun car but not like the RWD version.
Still for a bone it is worth parting out.
Nashco wrote: I'm not all the way across the country...but why would I want this car? Help me understand its merits. Bryce
Imagine a Rabbit GTI, but made by Isuzu. Toss in Giugiaro styling, STIFF Lotus suspension, and a naturally-aspirated version of the Lotus Elan motor, and you have a real fun car. It's like a lighter 16v GTI with better suspension or a heavier, torquier Swift GT.
Woody will tell you like 9 times that it's gonna flip over if you autocross it
Chad and Cole Ones run one in CO SCCA rally cross. Chad won the national this year, his brother came in 2nd in mod FWD. I think Chad won in 08 too.
I rode with Chad once. It's the only time I can remember thinking on every corner, OMG we are going to roll.
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