Best friend needs a good autocross tire for cheap (they just had a new baby), 205/55/16 if needed he can squeeze a 225/50/16 under the wheel wells. Car is an 04 mini john cooper works or something like that. I just call it the go kart (mostly to berkeley with him). Any suggestions or tires for sale from the Hive?
His car is classed STX I believe and he doesnt want to change classes if avoidable so I think that cuts down the type of tires he can use (not to well versed on the technicals of what tires change classes and such)
Are you sure on the tire size? I'd have expected a JCW to come with the 17" wheels.
Anything in that search result should be just dandy.
his autocross wheels are 16, i think his regular wheels are 17s
7/7/14 9:42 a.m.
Check the LeMons forums and craigslist. I usually come across some decent deals on used tires that should make it through a season.
I'd look at 205/50/16s ,too.
Look at Federal 595 tires, they are the popular choice with many lemons teams and I have heard that while they are not competitive in st autocross, they wont be embarrassing. (prices look to be about $75/tire for that size ) i have never purchased from that source, no knowledge
7/8/14 12:19 p.m.
online tires seems to be backordered on the 595 rsr's in every size ife tried to buy (4 different sizes). Im not sure they actually can get anything in that tire. I have a set of 4 225/50/16 Continental DW with about 50% or more tread remaining (the W's are still visable in the tread) I'd sell for $200. I'm not sure where you're located though.