How many rust-free versions of this are left?
So few that I wish I could drive out there and drag it back to FL. I'm thinking it needs a proper restoration.
I had a buddy with one of those. It was a pretty neat toy car. Was a little goony as Honda hadnt quite figured out all the quirks involved in making cars - shifter came thru the dash...basically was a long lever on a motorcycle trans IIRC
I drove one of these once (some friends had traded a Grand Prix for a N600? N800? and a Opel Kadett wagon with a 1100 cc engine AND automatic) about 35 years ago, so it was fairly newish. I never thought I'd be able to get into the driver's seat as I'm 6'4". They can be a ball to drive, but then when I drove the one I drove....there were A LOT fewer SUVs and no folks on cellphones behind the wheel in other cars.
There is one on Detroit Craigslist that the guy was stuffing a hyabusa motor in then gave up. I'll see if I can find it again.
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