Near me is a Prindle 18 for sale, $500 obo. Looks like a decent boat and will clean up nicely. Good tramp, comes with two trapeezes, rudders, aluminum trailer. No pics, but the one below is what it looks like.
My cape is straight out so I can't even think about it. I would put the mast, boom, sails etc. in the garage attic and make a motor boat out of it. Two lawn chairs, and because it weighs nothing and has no push through the water, a 5hp should move it along smartly.
There are some cobby repairs. but emery, Pettit paint and a cooler .....

Upstate NY, north of Albany.
Too far from me and too many projects already, but Prindle cats are fast, athletic boats to sail. Spent some quality time hanging off the wire on one back in my youth...
7/4/18 8:23 a.m.
I so want that, and now I live by a lake...
I would love to have that. All of my boats have been power boats for fishing, but I learned to sail when I was about six.
Won't happen though, my new hobby is taking up all of my free time. On the stock suspension, it looks like it rolls like a boat, anyhow.

New Reader
7/4/18 11:01 a.m.
Hell the trailer is whort about that much
Went by yesterday to take pictures for you, it's gone.