Here's a set of tires - Falken Azenis 615 in 205/50-15 - that I kept thinking I was going to use and never did. Bought for the Quad4 CRX back in 09 as back tires - one pair has about 80 miles on them, the other pair has absolutely 0 miles on them, never even mounted on the car. The wheels are Nissan 15" x 6", I believe from an early SE-R. They're dirty as heck but should clean up well. No bends, everything mounted and balanced well back in 2009. Your call on if you want to use the tires. I wouldn't count on them for a serious race effort but they might work well for spares. They've been stored indoors in climate controlled space the whole 9 years.
Located in Columbus, OH. Asking $200 for GRM folk.
On to the pics.
I forgot to say the size! They’re 205/50-15.
10/23/18 6:46 a.m.
Those would be from a 95+ 200sx se-r.
In reply to EvanB :
Hey knock it off with the enablement.
er, these are 4x100 right?
Yes these are 4x100. Id love to finally meet!
10/23/18 1:04 p.m.
Knurled. said:
er, these are 4x100 right?
Why do you keep buying 4x100 wheels?
EvanB said:
Knurled. said:
er, these are 4x100 right?
Why do you keep buying 4x100 wheels?
I could stop if I wanted to.
ctually I mainly want the tires for the RX-7. And I kind of forgot that I owe you some money for those other wheels so I'll un-dibs until that is dealt with.
10/23/18 4:51 p.m.
I'm not concerned with that, they are just sitting in the basement and I don't need any money until you decide you want to use them. I was just curious if you had some plan to get a Miata or something...
In reply to EvanB :
I have two 4x100 cars right now, and would like to redrill the '81 to 4x100, and find a way to convert the RX-3 to 4x100 with the suspension swap.
Trying to clear out space bump - hope someone can use these - don't want to post on Craigslist if I can help it.
Wait. I thought they were sold.
As far as I know they’re not; Knurled said he had to pass until he sorted out other wheels with Evan? Maybe I misunderstood?
10/25/18 8:54 p.m.
Knurled should buy them. I may have confused things with my remark.
my 96 will probably need some kind of exhaust repair to make it through emissions next month otherwise it could do with some new treads however old.
Isn't there someone in Michigan looking for cheap 4x100s for an E30? Nissan 4x100 is a "universal donor", they have a 59mm pilot so they will fit on everything else. As I discovered when I had a Sentra, and NOTHING I had in a 4x100 would fit. And don't ask how I had a collection of 4x100 wheels even before I had a 4x100 car, these things just happen, you know?
I posted in his thread too
i'll buy them if they are not gone by Saturday, how's that?
I kinda want them but Evan kinda has a point, I should let other people have a chance...
Sounds fine to me, I don't need them gone today but I want to know if I should be posting them on CL.. Talk to you Saturday most likely!
In reply to Knurled. :
There is someone in Michigan secretly looking for 4x100s for a Rabbit ;-)
Had I not placed a $300 parts order this morning I would have been happy to buy these.
Hmm. Seven hours from D.C. Anyone need something brought out that way? Cash money or Zelle? Would holding them for a moment be okay? If they're gone by Saturday that's okay too.