Indy-Guy wrote: Pimpm3, Oh wow, you sure come up with some good stuff. The want is VERY strong on this one! It's truly amazing how you have become the supplier of a major % of challenge cars and donors.
Have $$ handy and access to auctions. I think there is a co-part yard in Jax. I'm almost sure there is. There is a C5 sitting there IIRC. That said, I don't have $$ handy, and he's nice enough to pass on his scores with the rest of us with minimal markup.
That said, I'd be tempted to crack open that trans and see about fixing second. After opening up my 4L60 in my truck, it's a whole lot less daunting. It may be nothing more than a bent shift fork. could be a blown gear from a power shifted 1-2 or a Beemer "money shift".