We recorded all the presentations for the MegaMeet this year, and now have them up on YouTube:
Jerry Hoffmann and Bruce Bowling - Jerry welcomes everyone to the event, and Bruce gives a presentation on a new product in the MegaSquirt line that B&G have been working on. If all goes well, you may be seeing it in the power equipment section of your local Sears store in a few years. (27 minutes)
Scott Clark - Scott Clark has tuned engines for the Amsoil Engine Masters Challenge, Bonneville record holders, Hot Rod Drag Week winners, a Riddler Award winner, and more. Here, he shares tips on a well run racing operation that can work for anything from that level on down to a bracket racer built in a carport. (50 minutes)
Phil Tobin and Andy Whittle - Tons of little tips and tricks you can use with TunerStudio to get the most out of your project. (55 minutes)
Scott Clark- Big Daddy's Supra makes four figure horsepower numbers, but there's a bit of a stumble when you floor it. Watch as Scott shows how to iron it out.