Our friends at NASA SouthEast are hosting a track day at CMP. Come one...come all!
2015 Pit Bull Brawl May 16-17, Carolina (CMP)
The season is heating up at Carolina Motorsports Park and we are excited to return to this awesome venue. We are bringing our grill so that anyone can throw some meat on it Friday evening while we tell stories about how fast we are!
High Performance Driver's Education (HPDE) Drivers of all makes and models of cars can sign up and begin at the novice level (HPDE 1) and work their way to advanced driving skills. All drivers start with classroom instruction as well as an in-car instructor to guide you to drive your car at the limits. All of this takes place with the safety of a racetrack under controlled conditions.
Time Trials (TT) Drivers will compete for their fastest lap times and win all types of contingency money and prizes. The beauty of TT is the fact that you can do all of this with only your street car and a helmet!
Sprint Races All of the standard NASA classes will be participating, 944Spec, American Iron(AI), Factory Five Racing (FFR), German Touring Series (GTS), Honda Challenge(HC), Performance Touring(PT), SpecE30, SpecMiata, SpecZ, Super Unlimited(SU), Super Touring(ST), ThunderRoadster(TR), etc. Cars will be split up into groups and the racing will be intense to watch and participate in!
Instructors We have a special appreciation gift for all instructors at the Pit Bull Brawl, sign up soon to make sure you don't miss out!