Challenge priced and more capable as is than my 240z right now for autocross.
Basically I couldn't lose on this deal and wagons are my favorite 510s.
The specs are a rebuilt L20B with high compression flat top pistons. Racer Brown cam,A87 cylinder head, Twin SUs, MSD backed by a 280zx 5 speed. Full coilovers and swaybars. Polished swastikas and new Falken rubber. It's a screamer!

Some tire shine that got slung on the rear quarter.

First mod was the GRM sticker:

Ugly steering wheel and big nasty tach.

Lady crankwalk loves it. Her bike has now moved behind the Z for now since the 510 is more sane to drive on the street believe it or not. (Z needing brake work)
Details to follow.
Dibs should you ever abandon the project. 
My buddy brought his 70 over for them to meet. We drove the wagon to to Waffle House and to put some fresh premium in it. Smells like a lawn mower burning the ancient 87 octane.
Also I slammed 2nd and shot a huge flame that sounded like a shotgun which scared away a dog that was going to run in front of it. Ha!
I need to get the electric fan working and pick up just a couple odds and ends but this thing is a blast.

Oh look! It's all one color now.

Oh man, you are killing me with these Datsuns! Both 510's are awesome, can't wait to see what else you do with it! Next to a Hakosuka Skyline, 510's are my favorite cars ever! Keep the pics coming! 
I have to admit I don't see the thrill of the 510.
I learned to drive in a 69 510 wagon. Was also the first engine I rebuilt.
I have to admit, the 510 wagons are just awesomely cool looking. I haz an envy. 
I'm more of a coupe or sedan guy myself, but I wouldn't kick a wagon out of the garage. Man I love me some 510...
Some of you may know that I have a stash of vintage oil going back to the early 1960s. I am currently running 10 W 40 Quaker State from a 1973 in my 1973 Datsun 240 Z. I am going to run some of the old Quaker state super blend in the 510 as well. The weight on the top says 10–20 W 30.
The filter is an oversized Fram PH8A that is about 1 1/2 times larger than the stock oil filter. Oil pressure is 60 psi cold startup and sounds good. I may run this for a year or so which should include some autocrosses, mountain runs, and around town driving then get an oil analysis done.

Side note, Nissan liked my picture of the car on Facebook. Kinda nerdy but it was neat to see at the same time.

the wagon that started my love for wagons, my uncle was a ford fan who worked in a datsun garage. i grew up riding in a 302 ford powered 510
crankwalk wrote:
Ugly steering wheel and big nasty tach.
not to get off topic but that is a big nasty tach... would you want to sell it? i need a cheap tach 
DoctorBlade wrote:
I have to admit I don't see the thrill of the 510.
Take it back! You don't mean it! Take it back! 
Great project! I lerv me sum 510's.
However, I'd take that Fram off and throw it as far away from the car as possible. They are truly not well made filters.
turboswede wrote:
Great project! I lerv me sum 510's.
However, I'd take that Fram off and throw it as far away from the car as possible. They are truly not well made filters.
Normally I don't run the orange cans of death but I have cut open many ph8as and made the informed decision these are good in the tough guard family. Much bigger media and I have had several our purolators fall apart on the edges of the media. Like glue separating kind of thing. These have great adbvs as well. So yeah normally I don't run frams but these won't harm a thing.
edizzle89 wrote:
crankwalk wrote:
Ugly steering wheel and big nasty tach.
not to get off topic but that is a big nasty tach... would you want to sell it? i need a cheap tach
Ha! For now ill keep it in there. Better than nothing and I mean the rest of the interior isn't exactly classy.
In reply to crankwalk:
fair enough haha, but in its defense that is a nice shift knob
Love the wagon. You probably have the only one left without an SR20 in it.
Minor bodywork on the rear hach, more flat black spray paint, spare Datsun emblem from a 240Z thrown on there, 1970 GA plate.
I'm torn how much bodywork I want to do on this thing. Plastidip it yellow again and drive it as is or really try to put it back together?

I woke up at 6 AM this morning and drove about 70 miles 1 way to Road Atlanta for the Concours D'Lemons and the Mitty. Miraculously, the car made it there and back without too much fuss. I do think I need a new slave cylinder and definitely need a rubber shifter boot to keep the fumes and heat out of the cabin.
I got so many great pictures of the event today but I will only post the ones pertaining to the wagon just to save me time. One of the highlights was that I won the "soul sucking Japanese appliance" award. I think they had a couple of those to give out but my trophy was miso soup and stickers. I actually ate the soup tonight for dinner. Ha!
I brought a friend who's really a motorcycle guy that he had a great time and wants to come back next year. If you ever get a chance to do the Mitty you should totally do it.

Already on the wall: