Drivers side is ready for pin hole filling! All wiped with sprayaway, hit all the little rough spots.

Can still see the dent in the fender, but its whatever at this point.

Then I have a bunch of these, seems like a pin hole, but its soild? Cant pick at it with a fingernail etc. Chunks in the spray filler maybe?

10/22/21 9:42 a.m.
OK finally did a bit of work on this thing, its been sitting for ever with me being grumpy about the sloppy work I did on the pin holes.
Sloppy bondo...

Get the 150 out and fix it.

Im a little worried its going to be a different texture that will show thru, but we will see. Mixed up some more spot putty, thinned it and applied with a razor blade this time. Much happier with my work. Very hard to get it to fill the little pin holes still tho.

Drivers side is much better than the pass side. Pass side had a lot more mud (and I was learning more as I went around!)

10/22/21 9:47 a.m.
Welcome back. Good timing as I just finished a project and was wondering what to do with my time.
I'll go grab a beer and follow along as you do all the work.
10/22/21 9:53 a.m.
In reply to NOHOME :
Finished?! I felt good to work on it again. Its real close to paint. Well for as good as I feel like making it..... I think it will be fine once its shiney.
If i can do black, you can do a lighter color. You got this!!!
10/24/21 2:56 p.m.
Doing digital work today. Read thru all the SPI tech stuff again. Going to call them Monday to ask questions and order the rest of the paint stuff I need. They have amazing tech support!
Found a fabric to lace the roof with. Ordered it.

The Cuban in me approves of lace very much. My opel's roof will be laced in respect to my great-grandfather.
10/24/21 3:37 p.m.
In reply to preach (fs) :
I've never done it.... So if it's butchered don't hate me!
Vote time. Black or silver metal Flake? Or another suggestion?
10/24/21 3:44 p.m.

Or Maybe more of a subtle pearl?

I think I need to go to Wesco and see them in person really.
New Reader
10/24/21 4:47 p.m.
Pearl will look better, will sheen a different color vs more of a bass boat sparkle
Pearl will accent rolls and edges in body by showing a different shade over your base color
for lacing if you can get clear binder use flake then clear over both for best results
if not use clear with accelerator and a couple light "think mist" coats of flake over lace should allow you to remove it
also with either binder or clear mix flakes very well and make sure strainers, funnel type and if in gun is present are large enough they do not strain out the flakes
10/24/21 5:28 p.m.
In reply to demnted :
Roof if pretty damn flat, not sure how much there is to show off. But I agree, pearl will be a bit more subtle too.
I was planning to use a mid coat clear, but way more pearl/flake than generally called for, then clear over ir.
10/24/21 6:39 p.m.
Ooh bring the bass boat sparkle!
New Reader
10/24/21 6:48 p.m.
Depending on paint line i have used pearl in the base coat or a few drops of silver basecoat so when reduced has a semi eggshellish sheen before the 2 coats eXXXtra pearled while shaking gun to keep suspended clear, then 3 maybe 4 wet as will hang without sagging clear coats. As long as the final clear coats are mainly trash free light wet sanding to nib those imperfections. Some buffing polishing and presto show out in sunlight or under show lights for way less money then candy.
10/24/21 7:14 p.m.
In reply to demnted :
Using SPI. probably production clear.
Just going over epoxy base coat at this point.
New Reader
10/24/21 7:36 p.m.
Used many different lines over the years. The basics above pretty much pertain to all. Just test your set up and remember to keep some light shaking to keep a pearl heavy mix from settling and "spooting" from the settling of solids being the first to exit the tip upon trigger pull. I try to walk the length of larger vehicles to keep the layering even to avoid excesses where overlaps occur. My only other though is can you break the shot at say the drip rails? Do roof and jambs... keeping the same ratios of pearl to clear do the outside from drip rails down. Otherwise for me doing job like that alone the risk of hose drag, sweat drip or generally rushing to keep wet on wet windows seems to negatively effect final results.
10/24/21 9:32 p.m.
In reply to demnted :
I'm planning to break it at the outside ribs on the roof, so it won't come down the sides at all. One: I can't fine lace wide enough, two: It gives me flat spot to tape it off
New Reader
10/25/21 7:25 a.m.
Sir, i was thinking as an overall in one shot.. If you base pearl and clear the jambs, use that opportunity to get the base down on roof while jambs are drying you can place lace and back mask. The flake would contrast a lot to pop the lacing "off" the pearled surface. Just keep mix ratios the same through out, ie 1.5 oz pearl to 22 ounces mixed clear, should give almost all the expensive custom painting result with some care.
10/25/21 11:02 a.m.
In reply to demnted :
I have painted exactly zero things, so bear with me as I am not following.
My plan was to shoot white on the roof, mask roof, shoot gray on the body.
Mask gray and lay on lace.
Shoot mid coat with flake or pearl over lace. (Leaning towards a heavy pearl)
Unmask everything and shoot a clear over it.
Now keep in mind my planned "color paints" are just epoxy primer.....
New Reader
10/25/21 11:36 a.m.
Was thinking you had planned to clear/pearl or flake then final clear like 4-5 coats. Pearl over both base colors,if scratches are wet 400ish pearl midcoat aka 2 pearled coats clear then 2 -3 coat of nonpearl clear will give amazing results. With lacing think panels, roll out what you have see how well it follows shape of roofskin. A border to tape it down around outer of course but four panels might follow shape of roof and lay flatter. Another thing to consider is depending on how big that flake really is tacking down lace then 2 ,3 dry coats is pushing it. Any more will or too wet will make removing the lace difficult to impossible without redoing it all. After removing lace panels and tape will NEED likey 4 coats to bury that flake so that wet sand buff doesn't get into the flake layer. As for final clearing, it is your choice but trying to get even coverage all the way across and the length of the roof had me thinking to while doing lace work after removing lace final clear 2 pearl coats then 2 nonpearled coats the roof out to the inside of drip rails and maybe the windshield frame/cowl area. After that properly cures make it up and pearl coat and clear remaining body.
Hope that wall of text clarifies some of my thoughts for you.
1/29/22 3:44 p.m.
Minor progress!! Drivers side needs touch up at one door gap, but pinholes are done. Wiped with glass cleaner. It's filthy!
And still looks the same 

Good to see this on page 1 again!
1/30/22 10:27 a.m.
This thing is going to be so sexy. While we get ahead of ourselves, have we talked suspension and wheel choices?