Monday night I planned on just re-scuffing the surface and shooting a second coat of primer, but again when I was done I wasn't anywhere near tired...
First, here's the second coat (you can tell it's the second and not the first coat because I took the picture from a different angle

Well, like I said: I wasn't even remotely tired, so I decided to start messing with the wires. the fuse box is a mess and I thought that might have something to do with the wipers not working, so I cleaned it up:

No change. The wipers are still doing their thing...
Moving on! The Eldest Hungarling and I have our first "key turn in anger" scheduled for Wednesday (tomorrow morning as I type this) and I figured I had better check to make sure the fuel pump worked. (why the fuel pump as opposed to checking spark or something, I don't know)
On the Alfa (and I'm sure other L-Jetronics) you turn the key on, and open the flap inside the MAF, the pump relay should click, and then you should hear the pump whir.
so here goes:

Click, no whir. 
So out comes the books, and the multi-meter
I decide I should probably see if it's a voltage issue or a ground issue so I go straight to the pump and flip open the flap again

No juice
(I was really hoping this would just be a bad ground). So I start with what I know:
I know the pump worked three or four years ago when I drove it
I know I messed with a metric ton of wires since then
I also know I promised that inertia switch a prompt removal if it didn't behave
So I start with the inertia switch, and sure enough it's misbehaving

I go straight for the throat and cut the wires for a quick re-opcheck

Still no dice (open, click, no whir). I butt splice the wires to the inertia switch (well, environmental splice) and stow them away neatly. I start probing with my meter, checking for continuity in the wires, when I come across two pink and white female lugs under the dash.
Odd, says I. Pink and white is exactly what I'm looking for, but how in the world did I get two females?
I probe them end to end and, sure enough, they're the ones I was looking for. So I pair them together for some hot female-on-female action.

Open, click, whir, yay!
We have a working fuel pump.
Another environmental splice (in place of those two female connectors), and then I zip tie the fuse box out of the way:

For the record, I can NOT figure out where in the heck this thing clips in to. One prong clips in to the hood release handle. The other? No idea. there's nothing there but a pedal box!!! So yeah. Zip tie was the answer I came up with (hey, it beats the original hemp rope I had

That last picture I call "getting closer!"
Good times