It's been over a week since my last post so I figured it was time for an update:
The heads are still "off at the shop", so no new news there...
The Zender kit is officially off the car (yay!
) and the search for a box big enough to send this to Spain begins.

(dog crate, kid pool, and porch furniture not included in kit)
I had to remove the wheels to get to some of the rivets that held the kit on, and when I did I found another stripped lug nut on the driver's-side, rear wheel (it's the top one in the picture below). I've gotta be honest here, I've never seen so many stripped lug nuts in my life!!!

Lucky for me I had one left over from the driver's side, front, lug nut replacements. Unfortunately for me, I have to remove the rear hub to get the lug stud out, and I don't have a socket, wrench, or crescent wrench large enough (37mm). So I call the picture below "I'll get to it later".

I have a "cherry picker" lined up for use when it comes time to pull the engine, but unfortunately I didn't have my jack and stands back this weekend, so I still have to disconnect the drive shaft etc. I was able to keep myself occupied by removing most of the under-hood components (coil, ign box, etc) and wiring:

and when I was done with that I went and had a "go"at the interior. I started by removing the dash and got as far as getting the tachometer out of its hole when I found that the wires had been "smoke checked":

I thought it's operation was a bit slow an bouncy... I guess now I know why. The sad truth is that this is only the first component behind the dash that was smoke-checked, I'll get pictures of the rest of the melted stuff later.
Speaking of behind the dash, everything to the heater except the driver's side vent control lever was broken... (so I can switch from vent to defrost on the driver's side only. No temp control, no passenger controls). I'll either have to rig something up or buy a new heater control unit to get that fixed. I thought I might have broken something (it was a bit stubborn in it's removal) but orange overspray on the broken bits was a good indication that it had been in that condition for a while...
The center console was removed as well. Keeping with the "remove something and find something" it looks like the shifter boot was cut all around it's base. I figure it was because someone couldn't get the shift knob off, but really wanted the center console out anyways. AND I figure that same someone couldn't get the shift knob off because of a cut-and-weld(?) mod done to the shifter... (I thought it seemed a bit "short")

Photo bucket is a bit overloaded at the moment. So "Coming Soon":
We play "what's behind the front bumper?"
We see what else is melted
We find out why I really don't want to spend $70 on the stock air box (to replace that cone filter)
But for now you poor tired Alfa, we'll leave you to rest. So goodnight wires

Sleep tight interior

Hold strong hatch strut,
Hang on bumper,
Rest up grill,
and Goodnight dash.

Goodnight grassroots.