Changing from the carb topic to getting the bike road legal-
Michigan offers this nifty form for folks to print out and take with them when their motorcycle is to be inspected by the po po. This is the first step in getting an "off road only" title changed into an "assembled vehicle" title as I understand it. It also spells out what must be present on the motorcycle.

There are super nifty kits out there that do this very thing. But I'm cheap, and pushing the easy button isn't always that much fun, so I nerded out instead.
This Suzuki has a stator on it, and based on some research it is good for 90 watts at 12 volts ac (single phase). In stock form it powers two lights (halogen) and the ignition system. Not knowing what the ignition system draws, the goal I decided on was to power headlight, tail light, brake light and a horn utilizing the wattage those two stock bulbs were using. With LEDs, it didn't seem to be too hard.
Bench testing the halogens and the LED replacements I guessed at showed the following:

So far so good. I even have 6.5 watts at 12 volts to spare. That .5 amp should more than cover a brake light, and eventually even turn indicators.
This is the cheap Amazon crap I bought to serve the purpose.

The biggest mistake I made while shopping is not verifying the bulb type that was in my bike. Reading indicated it should be an H4 base, but it isn't. I guess maybe it's an H3 base something or other?

So at this point I have to decide if I should return the H4 LED bulb and try to find the same thing in an H3 package (if there even is one), or find a headlight housing that will fit in my fairing that's accepts the H4 bulb I have.
Ill think about this while I'm at work tonight.
Almost forgot too, I'll need to remove the voltage regulator that came on my bike and install the rectifier/regulator in my pic above. LEDs are all about the DC, yo.