Took my first step into ECU tuning and changed the line pressure settings, WOT shift points, and torque converter lock up point.
Actually moved the shift points down as the factory program shifts after peak power, just spinning and not pulling anymore.
Good tell the difference when I floored it.
Looks like the suspension held up fine, didn't find anything loose. Trying to motivate myself to actually clean the thing, maybe I can get my daughter to do it.
Wide open throttle table seemed to work. Just uploaded 2nd gear table for autocross, will give it at try this afternoon.
ABS light came on for some reason, still have brakes..why oh why
On to what body work is left in the budget, black paint check....wax job check....just ignore the RH rear quarter, there is no man behind the curtain.

Had a blast at the challenge met great people and had a good time. Just confirmed there are people nuttier then me!!
Here are the unofficial autocross and drag postings they had up along with some photos. Sadly this project is coming to an end. If you are interested in purchasing take a look in the Challenge for Sale Thread.
Thanks for everyone's input.
Car comes in about 3300# less driver. Almost perfect cross weights with me in it.
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Results of autocross, car started cutting out in the sweeper with Mr. Shields driving, should have had him take all five runs. Lesson learned.
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14.55 Quarter out of a stock engine with headers, not too shabby.

At the car show portion.
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Fastest drag run top speed of 94.99 MPH
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Ready to Run.
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