Some progress, after a bit of my motivation returned. As mentioned I'm still waiting for parts, including some paint to paint over the areas I treated with rust converter, so again I won't be able to make the next HPDE, coming up this weekend.
Anyway, some of the parts I ordered did show up, including the Perrin endlinks and exhaust gasket. Pretty impressed with the speed Perrin dispatched the parts with. As the dealer had received the suspension bolts (and amazingly enough had a couple of exhaust studs in stock), I was able to put the front suspension together. Well, other than being 5Nm short because my "big" torque wrench only goes up to 150Nm and those bolts call for 155...

I then turned to the second "big" modification, changing out the radiator for a Jackson Racing combined radiator/oil cooler. That turned into "removal and waiting for more parts" - we'll get to that in a second.
Anyway, the front cover shows clear signs of someone having been in there for the valve spring recall not too long ago. I could've done without signs of oil leak as part of the signs someone's been in there, though.

As mentioned, there are also signs of a coolant leak at the thermostat housing. Fortunately it looks like it might be more of an issue with the hose than the water pump - as you may be able to see there are no signs of leaks around the weep hole themselves, at least not ones I've managed to see.

Onto removing the radiator then. Progress here was slowed down by random bolts refusing to budge until introduced to my new favourite tool, CRC Freeze-Off. It is really weird how random the corrosion is - yes, it's a rust belt car, but there are oddities like well protected bolts being heavily corroded when others that are more exposed come lose with no drama. A bit odd.
Anyway, it did take more time than expected to get the radiator out, with the only casualty being one of the bolts on a bracket that holds the evaporator to the radiator. Of course it had to break off in the evaporator, not the radiator. I'm probably not going to attempt to drill out the remains as with my luck, I won't get the remains out but drill a hole in the evaporator instead. Probably going to put some foam tape between evaporator and radiator so the two don't bang into each other.
Everything came out eventually and now there is so much room for LS swaps, err, activities:

So why has this turned into waiting for parts again?
Well, the radiator has pieces of foam glued around it to ensure air actually goes through the radiator and not down the sides and over the top of it. After nine or so years, the foam is in pretty bad shape and a bunch of it actually came apart in my hand. So, time to order new pieces - they're pretty cheap, but who knows how long it's going to take them to get here. In the meantime I should finish the brake job and deal with some of the other loose ends, but work has ground back to a bit of a halt right now.
Next target, HPDE towards the end of June. This year, I hope.