Spent maybe an hour more today poking around, and dropped the gas tank.
The engine moved by hand! Got a few degrees of rotation using the fan before the belt started slipping
Driver's exh manifold is forward facing and only partially tightened down
Transmission cooler lines are rubber, and they are flopping against the passenger side header
Both the fan and the serpentine belt currently rub against the lower radiator hose
I don't understand fuel "pump" operation, looks like a little block behind the alternator?
Carb is a Rochester Quadrajet, and I need to watch videos of it in action/being rebuilt, because pulling the throttle cable right now doesn't open the "valves" any. (not up to speed on my carb lingo, like I said - need to learn)
Rear end is Open, somewhere in the range of 3:1 (Had to look this one up on Tri-five forums - it was only 1.5 turns of driveshaft for 1 turn of wheel). Definitely a GM rear end. I'll try to get some more pictures of the componentry up under there, everything looks a little ragged.
Fuel tank still has something in it (lol), and also appears to have just been bolted through the floor. The floor is rusted away from the rear-end panel, so it was too floppy. I'll need to create something a little more stable, and I'm gonna hope to move it further into the trunk to tuck away from the ground/rear-end.

Transmission Cooler Lines

Appears to be a/the fuel pump?

12/6/20 2:44 p.m.
Can you get a wider view of the fuel pump? It should look like this

In reply to Mr_Asa :
That's what it looks like, has a 90Deg fitting on the side, brings the lines up to the carb.
How's it operated? Oil pump driven?
12/6/20 3:11 p.m.
In reply to classicJackets (FS) :
I think that Mopars use something off the oil pump. but the most common way it is done is with an eccentric off the cam.
12/6/20 3:17 p.m.
Here's a cutaway. If you look up how a basic diaphragm pump (of any type) works then you'll get the idea

In reply to Mr_Asa :
There's a lobe on the cam that pushes the lever as it spins
In reply to AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) :
*Lobe on the cam
there's a pushrod in a bore that activates the lever on the pump.
Patrick (Forum Supporter) said:
In reply to AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) :
*Lobe on the cam
there's a pushrod in a bore that activates the lever on the pump.
Ninja edited so I can say "that's what I said"
Thanks for the up-date, I'm REALLY interested in following this "build."
A suggestion . . . lose the Quadrajet (sell it off to someone with a 70's GM ride) and quite possibly ditch the mechanical fuel pump as well. An electric pump with a roll over or impact shut off switch is really the way to go for a ride like yours. Added safety is always better with a home-built.
PLEASE keep the up-dates coming, even if they're only a photo or two.
In reply to notsafeforwork :
I'd love to hear your theory of hate towards the Quadrajet.
Picked up a nice ButlerBuilt seat and Kirkey cover today for $20 each!
I'm trying not to spend money on this too early, but this seems like a solid deal for at least the seat, and I'll keep an eye out for a cheaper cover as time goes on.

In reply to Stampie (FS) :
"I'd love to hear your theory of hate towards the Quadrajet."
Info ALL ovet rthe internet—
I just find the quadrajet to be an old, cranky, poorly made emissions carb left over from a sad era in auto making. There are SO many better carbs in the aftermarket that I never bother with with a Q-Jet at all. Holly 390 on the TR8, Edelbrock on the Vette, Carter on the Vega. Trash barrel full of quadrajets. My opinion, maybe not yours, but I have no respect at all for those antique carbs.
In reply to notsafeforwork :
You can find bad stuff on anything all over the internet. Most of that bad info is the result of user error or lack of knowledge. Yes a Qjet might not get the max power levels of some other carbs but I find for a street driven carb they are better when properly rebuilt and set up. Now I'm not a carb guy but I let National Carb rebuilt mine and since I'm local it's easy to go in and discuss all the options that I want.
Not just the internet, personal experience, I have no use what-so-ever for the Q-jet. Junk, old, and usually too worn out for a decent cost-effective rebuild. First thing that I tried to get rebuilt and the first thing to go on the Vette. SO many better carbs out there instead. Might have one around left over from the Oldsmobile if you want it . . . just lemme know.
In reply to notsafeforwork :
That's ok I have plenty of spares. Now back to our regularly scheduled show about blind bugeyes that will kill you.
Regardless of the reason, it's sort of important to keep this thread towards the top of the list. Far to many supposed track day Miatas and basically stock trucks cluttering things up. Stuff like this thread keeps my heart pumping . . .
Went back over today. Pulled off the fan that I've received several warnings about, and generally did another once over.
So, fun things - no dipstick/tube for Oil, and the actual dipstick is missing for trans fluid.
Also, the rear is fully riding on the crappy home-made bump stops, and the only shocks are (maybe?) the lever arm ones.
I'm not sure the Quadrajet is hooked up right/well, I'll link a video up later. Hopefully you guys with Carb experience can guide me.

Budget question: this came with a windshield and surround that I don't plan to use for the challenge, is it possible to sell that to myself based on FMV? Or is it something I can only recoup if I actually sell and get a receipt?

In reply to classicJackets (FS) :
FMV is a touchy subject right now. Personally I hate FMV, self trade, self sell but I understand cases where it makes sense. For example I need to keep my Model A engine for title purposes. I personally think it's ok to self sell it as I have a legit reason to keep it. I don't see a need to self sell something like it's trans that I'll have no need for. Maybe ... for now.
Stampie (FS) said:
In reply to classicJackets (FS) :
FMV is a touchy subject right now. Personally I hate FMV, self trade, self sell but I understand cases where it makes sense. For example I need to keep my Model A engine for title purposes. I personally think it's ok to self sell it as I have a legit reason to keep it. I don't see a need to self sell something like it's trans that I'll have no need for. Maybe ... for now.
That makes sense to me as well, thank you. I'll operate as-is for now, and see about selling it as time goes on and I figure out whether or not to keep it for post-challenge.
1/2/21 8:33 p.m.
Why don't you think the Q-jet is hooked up properly?
Biggest thing is to make sure it is bolted down snuggly so there are no air leaks, then make sure that it can reach full throttle as it sits and nothing is interfering with that, then make sure it can reach full throttle from the gas pedal. After that it should be pretty easy to knock out, but those are big ones that get overlooked by people new to carbureted vehicles
Got a video uploaded, sorry for vertical!
Link to YouTube
Okay, so the connection to throttle cable is on the "near" side of the carb.
Pulling the cable does "pump" a little lever (has to be fuel?), but doesn't affect the two controls for the blades on the opposite side of the carb. The way it's set up right now, it can't quite reach full throttle (spring is set up really poorly), and there's no pedal it's attached to yet.
I need to watch a few rebuild videos and see what everything looks like.
1/2/21 8:58 p.m.
Your top blades are your choke, the ones that are at the base of the carb are the actual butterflies that meter the amount of air. Not sure if that is supposed to have a manual or some form of automatic choke, but its a starting place for you to look at.
They also have an air door on the secondary that opens under vacuum if i remember correctly.