That would be a good idea, there is a concourse component to the challenge, so it would be highly relevant! I don't have any problem with detailing talk in this thread, it would be a great way to keep all the info in a place i can easily find! I'm not sure how much experience I have to share, I just take my time, read up, and try a bunch of stuff. If it works, i keep doing it. I'll try to show the step by step process i posted on the last page here:
I had some time and needed to chill a bit so i did some more detailing and some minor mechanical stuff tonight. Remember the B-pillar?

well it's time to clean that up. here are a few more photos looking at what i need to clean up:

Looks like a spider web up there or something

dirt that the washing didn't get to.

Here's how I clean up the spider web kind of stuff: take a paper towel, get it damp, and try to slide it through the hard to clean places:

aaaaand Clean!:

I also wiped out the whole door jam, even where i wasn't going to polish. I did a lot of the process with the door open, so it was also important to keep the dome lights off:

I love the detail on some of the pieces:

Anyways, after all of the washing and drying, it's masking time. Here's an example of masking around some black plastic pieces:

That's sticky side out, slid down between the plastic and the b-pillar. then wrap it down. I did that method all over where there were plastic parts:

Is this neccessary with just a polishing? probably not, but i'm going to do it anyway. Around the window, i focus on covering the seals, not just the glass:

Today i stopped and got this, since i ran out of my other polishing compound:

A little at a time, i polish up the b-pillar. The whole pillar is small enough that i can basically do the whole thing at once, and take a couple passes very quickly. Here's what all that oxidation looks like on the rag:

Pretty gross stuff. After the first round of polish, i then inspected the piece and found a scratch:

It's not through the paint, but it can be seen easily through reflected light (that's a fluorescent tube there in the background). I got out a fresh cloth and the rubbing compound, and got to work rubbing along the scratch:

And after:

E36M3. Well, it didn't come out with a moderate pass of the rubbing compound, so by my previous scheme, i moved on. I then polished the stuff again, then put down a coat of wax using another fresh towel.

I keep rubbing, polishing, and wax towels separate. also separate wipe down cloths. I got a huge pack of microfiber towels for cheap a while ago, so i'm not too concerned about maximum use between washes. If i drop one on the floor, i'll put it in the 'wash' pile, too. Microfiber picks everything up, and i don't want to wipe dirt from the floor into my paint.
Anyways, then 'wax off' and bam:

Then remove the masking tape and look for anywhere you need to wipe off (usually the tape will pull some wax out of somewhere or something)

And here's the difference between b-pillar and door:

Same process on the door which was a MUCH more intensive masking job, and:

The window is still filty, though
. Here's why masking was harder:

There's a rubber seal between the door and the window, and more between the door and the door jam. LOTS of masking tape but no wax got on anything. It's careful work to mask off all the seals without masking off any of the metal, but i'm not on a time table here, so i took my time.
(Part 2 coming soon, i'm breaking the posts up so there aren't too many pics per page)