Had to make edits because i completely forgot about the alternator i got for $50, so the 3.73 gears i havent installed yet are what came off the list. bright side is i dont have to rush to install them and risk messing something up. i still am going to flush the rear end with new fluid though.
In reply to surfshibby07 :
This thing is a great level of rough around the edges.
I am so proud of the build and honored that we took home editors choice. We also barelyyyyy edged out the camaro for the win in CAM Class. Thanks to everyone who helped keep me motivated to get the car done and get to the challenge. Ill be back next year and propbably every year after until i die lol.
The car looks great from here in all of the Challenge photos that were taken. I like the paint more and more each time I see it.
Don't take this as a negative comment about the photos you've taken; the car "deserves" to get someone at it with a good camera to take photos somewhere if you didn't get some from the Challenge. I think it's an awesome build.
In reply to pres589 (djronnebaum) :
Thanks! It got so many compliments on the paint. Im really surprised. Im glad i could do something "different" in a sport that is hard to be different in. Im waiting for the pics of the car to come out. They came out great. My wife got a few good onss too.
I was really happy to see it just make it to the Challenge which is a win in itself!
I'll echo other people, the paint was really cool, it does need some good photos posted. I saw it in person and it was so much better than the build thread photos. Good light and and prop the camera or a tripod. It may need a close up to completely capture the effect.
Yea i noticed it didnt photo well. But im hoping the pics GRM got were good.
New Reader
11/1/19 7:50 a.m.
I missed it, but with my 95 GT i have black paint as well. What did you do to yours to make it look like that? Its a good look!
bonylad said:
I missed it, but with my 95 GT i have black paint as well. What did you do to yours to make it look like that? Its a good look!
so my fox started as gloss black. i just used a scotch brite pad to knock off all the clear and make it dull. then i went over the car with 1 can of flat black for the base. and for the silver. you take a rag, soak it in mineral spirits and ring it out, then spray the rag with silver paint. soak it. come back with a heat gun and dry it out. then just use the rag and wipe it on the car. the pigment will come off and it will streak looking like brushed metal. below is a video i found best explaining and showing how to do it. the best part is you can't really mess it up. and if you do, just re spray the area in black and start over.
New Reader
11/1/19 9:25 a.m.
Holy crap thats legit! Thank you for the time and reply! I may just do this. Check out my build?
Well car sold yesterday. I put another t5 in so it was driveable but 1st and 2nd grinded. Assuming bad syncros. Although 1st was bizarre. And i kept my rpf1s with new tires. Sold it for $3500 in 2 days. I could have got more but im happy with that. Now onto the next build. If you would like to follow it the thread can be found below.
If not for the distance I would have tried to buy it.
2.5 day drive each way was just too much, especially since I have 0 vacation days right now.
On the bright side, you get to build something new.
The big question is, can you top your last effort, cause it was AWESOME!

In reply to Bent-Valve :
The paint wont be as cool, but it will be BRIGHT! Lol
Whoa, wasn't expecting this. This thing looked cool as hell. Wondering just what you have in mind for the currently green SN95.