Whelp, the Miata is back together... for now. I still need to paint the hard top and find a clean rear bumper cover. The bumper cover that's currently on the car has issues and I would rather put effort into a nicer one. So far it's been a difficult to find a NA bumper cover locally.
Anyway, yesterday I put 137 miles on the car, and so far it runs perfect. ...although I noticed it was running a bit lean in some spots but that can be sorted out with a few edits of the VE table.

Because fourth of July weekend, the Rozzers are out in full force. This year they are being very sneaky, or I'm just acutely aware of their presents. At any rate this ain't a great weekend to collect performance data on the Mazda. Just for the record, all my acceleration runs are done while entering the freeway at legal speeds.... I should be golden, but Johnny law might have a different opinion.

Meh, time to go deep undercover and play with the G-tech Pro RR. The goal is to figure out how to operate it and how to fiddle with the bits on the laptop computer. The Forest Green 1999 Saturn SW2 is the perfect stealth automobile. Four hubcaps and four doors will let you glide right under the radar during the holiday ticket blitzkrieg.
Anways, let's see how bad this car is...

What an absolute terrible car... pssht, this thing cant get out of its own way... and ohhhh she struggles switching gears. The things I do in the name of science. Anyway. the Saturn was pushed as hard as possible...... and it got a little scary.

Back at mission control, the data was pouring in........

and here comes the excuses.....
Keep in mind this data is was recorded from a 99 Saturn SW2 with an automatic transmission on one of the hottest days this summer.... also note the automatic transmission shifts like a fully loaded diesel garbage truck going up a hill.
Hmmm 0-60 (red trace) is 10.39 seconds. The internet says that a 5spd Saturn should do 8.48 unfortunately there is no data for an automatic. Whelp, it is what it is.

This is interesting, the HP and TQ numbers were derived from different parts of the acceleration curve. The red data looks like it was gleaned from data generated in 2nd gear and the black data was poached from first gear. Apples and oranges. I reckon in the future I need to verify the data is coming from the same part of the graph.
For the record the crank HP on a twin cam Saturn is 124. Apparently, most of that evaporates before it gets to the wheels.

This is the RPM vs TIME. We can see that the ECU will go all the way to 6000 RPM before it dumps the transmission into the next gear. This is of course at WOT.
The black trace may be indicating the torque converter got confused and locked up or something... not sure what happened
Well, as you can see I figured out how to use the G-Tech PRO RR. It has some quirks, but it will be just fine.
Stay tuned.