I doubt (hope?!) there'll be much to write about the CX9 here. In the meantime, some initial thoughts:
It feels enormous compared to the first gen 3, especially on these streets. It's quite stressful trying to avoid everyone's attempts to hit it. I assume I'll start to relax a bit about it at some point, but still feeling very uptight about looking after it. I've not really opened it up yet, less than 400kms on the odo still, but you can definitely feel the torque from the turbo motor, quite nippy.
It comes with Yoko Geolander A/Ts on it. Not sure if it's the tyres or how the CX9 is, but it feels quite understeery (ok, I know, I'm comparing it to my 3 with the 27mm rear bar on it). I also didn't realise (my failure), there's no way to disable the stability control. Still, the family is happy, stress is now reduced for planning family trips, and it's considerably more comfy and safer than my poor old 3.
Visibility - not great, can't see the furthest 6" of bonnet, I'm finding it difficult to judge the width. I don't think it's much different from most other modern vehicles though. The LR3 is a big square greenhouse by comparison, much easier. Neither of which could hold a candle to my old Dolomite Sprint (reminiscing).
Size - apart from the issues in traffic, the LR3 is now the "small" vehicle - the CX9 doesn't fit in the parking for football (soccer) practise for mini-me #2. I need to check parking availability/size before going anywhere. It means I need to steal SWMBOs LR for soccer practise
Economy - 15.3 MPG (US) on it's first tank. Traffic has been even worse than normal recently, mostly due to the APEC event being hosted last week. I think my average speed has been something like 18kph
I'm hoping that economy improves with more kms...
Having procrastinated so much in changing 1 vehicle, it now appears both will be changed in short order. The LR3 is likely to become a 2020 RRS Hybrid
within the next 2 months. As if I didn't have enough trouble keeping the LR3 going, now a modern Range Rover with hybrid system too. I'm sure that will feature here... I may just start another thread..
As threatened, a new thread.
Today, the LR3 departed. I honestly feel more sad than when the Mazda 3 left, which was actually my car. As I said to SWMBO, I assume it's because more of my blood, sweat, and tears went into the LR3. Today was the first day of SWMBO driving the L494. I need to get stuck into it and see what it needs. New wiper blades for certain. I'll want to program a drain/fill of the ZF 8 spd, as it's never been done. Ordered a GAP IID for the L494, as the one I have for the LR3 won't work with it. Now fighting with customs as they're wanting me to pay for an inspection by the Ministry of Comms and Transport as they've decided it's an emitter. I'm arguing it's a low power bluetooth device, and they have even listed automotive scanners as being exempt from all these special inspections. Fingers crossed.
CX9 hasn't moved much, it's just got 600kms on it now. It got parked for a week waiting for the special tinted windows authorisation:
then another week as I travelled for work,
and now the kids are on summer holidays, so it' won't get used that much other than (hopefully) trips to the beach. I gelled with it a bit more before parking it, as I settled into it, it was a bit less understeery and a bit more "big Mazda 3". I think part of it is the A/T tyres. I've definitely decided it won't go to the dealer for anything. Too many horror stories from all over. Even just dropping it off for the window tint wasn't a good experience, it was given back with the interior dirty, stains on the door cards, cut offs of the window tint etc, and it wasn't ready for the agreed time, they refused to answer the phone during the day - eventually I just risked it and went end of the day to get it. To cap it all off they must have left the engine on idling for several hours judging by the consumption when I got it back.