Just some guy said:
this is a great thread, and one i can deeply identifiy with. I've spent the last couple of years getting a '69 back on it's poor neglected feet, and have spent this summer and fall almost daily driving it. It's ugly & beautiful. Probably should start a thread...
please do! the world needs more driveabeater C3 content!
Glad to see you're back at it. Love this thread!
Thanks for the encouragement guys!
The garage had settled into a state that resembled an episode of hoarders. Had to hit the reset button. The clutter was so bad that I had to put the car back down and roll it out.
It was nice to see it on its wheels again.

As many may know ... there is also something going on in the background... literally.

The best thing about that situation for the Corvette was my searching for gen1 sbc roller engine stuff to quickly build an engine for the 57 . Those trips led me to find what I needed to put one together for the vette as well.

Project nirvana for the time being lol.
Looks like the complete engine has a single overhead cam 🤘🏻🤣