New Reader
8/15/17 11:17 p.m.
May I join the fun?
Last Saturday had a wild hair and bought a old mess.
2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GT 3.0 liter, 5 speed. 125k miles
Repo from one of the credit unions I use - asking $1900. I offered $900 and they took it.
Noted the radiator was low and filled it with antifreeze before leaving (took 3 quarts). Only live 4 miles away and didn't make it home before it overheated.
I put a thermostat in the next day and that seemed to do the trick.
Looked it over and the only maintenance I can tell has ever been done is someone slapped a set of front pads on not long ago.
First things first:
- new timing belt, drive belts, idlers, adjusters, water pump, hoses etc.
- new valve cover gaskets which requires intake gaskets.
- plugs, wires, cap, rotor.
- rear brakes
- left half shaft(torn boot)
- oil change, wiper blades, filters, oil dipstick (broken) etc.
Later items
- headlamp assemblies (clouded over)
- convertible top, torn badly
- paint
Hopefully posting here will keep me motivated. Look forward to spending time with my sons working on the car. Need to learn how to post photos.
New Reader
8/16/17 8:03 a.m.
I figured out how to post a photo.
Beginning shot
Worn timing belt
Previous quality repairs
Old mess is right.
Price was good though.
Can the top be patch sealed or will it have to be replaced?
8/16/17 8:48 a.m.
Oh golly, I drove one of those cars once and was horrified. I hope you can make it way better than Mistu did!
I've always kind of wanted one of these, though I'm not sure why. I'm following along!
I used to own a coupe 3g Eclipse GT. How bad are the lifters ticking?
New Reader
8/16/17 3:50 p.m.
Top is beyond help. Pleasantly surprised how cheep parts are. Placed a large order with Rock Auto last night. As soon as those arrive we can start cleaning up the mess.
New Reader
8/22/17 6:17 p.m.
RockAuto and FedEx did their jobs. Now I need to do mine.
Don't see these cars getting much love, but I'm very interested in seeing this progress. What are your plans with it? These GT Spyders are pretty heavy for a sport compact...any plans to shave some weight?
The headlights look like you could probably save with a headlight restoration kit or if you have access to a buffer you can wet sand and restore. Some people will shoot some clear on it afterwards.
I just helped my buddy with his 2003 Eclipse GS with the 3.0L V6 with the 5-speed. Has like 160k on it, but it runs and drives really well.
As you probably figured out the timing Belt covers will disintegrate.
New Reader
9/1/17 6:03 p.m.
In reply to Double_Wishbone...no racing plans, just a fun convertible to drive around. It would be better if I lost weight than the car.
In reply to Thedanimal...replacement headlamp assemblies were only $37 each from RockAuto. I ordered them. I tried the restoration process on my Dodge truck. I read on-line and found a kit with good reviews. Then I went to Oreilly's and the guy at the counter talked me into a different kit that was on display on said counter. It didn't work at all. Now that I think about it I think he was getting a kickback on selling the display item.
In reply to SyntheticBinkerFluid...I finally got started on the timing belt yesterday and yes, the lower cover is bad. I have one on order - $$. Also when I pulled the engine mount it came out in pieces. $21 at RockAuto, $142 at Oreilly. I support brick and motar stores because the serve an important purpose but for 676% difference, I'm willing to wait a few days.
I'll update progress this weekend. It is nice to have some time after wedding receptions, funeral, school starting, work travel and reading the Grosh thread start to finish I haven't got much done.
9/1/17 8:30 p.m.
I use advance auto for everything. If you order online for in-store pickup and sign up for 'speed perks' (rewards program) you can almost always get about 40% off of retail price through a combination of 30% off coupon codes and your online rewards, which is better than what they'd give you as a high volume commercial customer!
Also, i ran out of room on the side of my fridge for my Rock Auto stickers and will probably move them all to the front now.
New Reader
9/2/17 9:30 p.m.
Replaced the timing belt and water pump Friday (day off - yea). Had to stop due to a broken engine mount and a warped timing cover rubbing the crank pulley. Parts on order and will hopefully finish next Saturday.
<a href="
">new parts in place
<a href="
">bad cover and mount
Thoughts and observations:
The 1/2" square drive socket on the crank shaft bolt is a great idea.
The 2 pin holes in the timing belt adjuster pulley requiring a special tool is a stupid idea.
New Reader
9/2/17 9:39 p.m.
Saturday was valve cover gaskets, all water hoses, spark plugs, spark plug wires, cap and rotor.
<a href="
">once the intake plenum is off access is easy
<a href="
">digging out 17 year old gaskets causes much pain and frustration
Thoughts and observations: Overall this thing is really easy to work on. One bolt supporting the back of the intake was hard to get to. Had to take the battery out to access the distributor - found there was nothing holding the battery in except the cables. The tray was rusty so I took it out and painted it. I've never seen valve cover gaskets this hard to dig out - took at least an hour on each side.
New Reader
12/16/17 6:15 p.m.
Well....that took a while. Between work, travel, family, holidays and church time in the garage is scarce. The timing cover took 4 weeks from Mitsubishi. Also had to order a transmission mount, idler pulley etc.
Now complete:
- timing belt, cover, drive belts, idler
- valve cover gasket, oil change
- rear brakes
- spark plugs, wires, cap, rotor
- water pump, thermostat, all hoses, antifreeze, radiator fan mounts
- LF drive axle
Still to do:
- tires (on order from Walmart)
- battery hold-down, terminal ends and clean chassis ground
Then it is on to aesthetics and stuff: convertible top, paint/wrap, radio, trunk lid supports, etc.
New Reader
12/16/17 6:21 p.m.
After all that I had 1 extra bolt. They always use more than is needed, correct? I did take off the timing belt cover to make sure it wasn't a really important bolt.

Check your rear brakes! A missed bolt there can be baaad. There aren't any extras that's for sure.
12/16/17 6:55 p.m.
My guess for the bolt is the back of the intake.
Any mods planned?
New Reader
12/16/17 10:28 p.m.
in response to dculberson: The bolt is from the engine compartment somewhere. Speaking of bolts...the inner fender well cover was held on with 26 fasteners of 6 different types.

Man, you do not need those extra bolts. Weight Reduction in progress. I know that everyone has their hate stores on Eclipses. My family loved them. My brother had one that he bought for $500 from a family friend; it was amazing. The car had well over 200k miles. At one point in time, we left his windows down in downtown Charleston. We got hit with a massive storm and Charleston flooded. Water was up to his lower portion of the seat of the car. He, not knowing what to do, drove the car home - about 20 miles. Once he came home, he let the car drain out and dry. After two days, he tried the car again and it started just fine. It was unbelievable.
New Reader
12/26/17 7:28 p.m.
Today the tires went on. The battery cables and chassis ground were repaired. And the hood went back on.
Test drive was uneventful. Surprisingly quiet with the top up (had ~6" of snow this week). Could use a power bump.
Any "simple" power bumps for Mitsubishi 3.0l V-6 units?
On to cosmetic stuff....