Long time, no jibber jabber.
I haven't posted for a handful of reasons on this thread. Kinda glad I didn't, but I think the thread deserves to move on. Prepare for another roller coaster. It's a long one.
So, shortly after my last post I drained the oil for the last bit of check list to be ready for the first event. I noticed a glittery substance. It was gut wrenching. After a few more oil/filter change and checks it was obvious I have a problem as the glittery gloom wasn't disappearing. No knocking, but maybe I caught it in time?
A buddy of mine is a bit of a Subaru guru so he offered to help me split it open and see what's what. Cam bearing damage in both heads were prevalent but rod and crank bearings looked great. We decided it made sense to source some used cams/trays and put it back together. I decided this car will be sold after I get some test miles in. FA20s have skyrocketed in price and if they are this fragile I can't afford to go down this path, or excuse the expense at least.
After pulling the engine, I swapped just about every aftermarket item for stock and sold them to fund the future project. Those funds actually were kinda eye watering, but gave me hope.
Then the car was in limbo for quite some time just sitting in my driveway. Between sourcing multiple heads that had similar damage to my existing, as well as damage in shipping, it took weeks. Months in fact to move forward with progress.
So while waiting on parts and machine work, I took my new part sales money to good use. I bought a turbo NA8 Miata and trailer as a package from a local autocrosser. We also traded in the wife's Santa Fe for an Expedition so we have something to tow with. It was a lot going on at once. The package purchase was in hopes to have a dedicated track and autocross car with somewhat lower consumables cost than the FRS. I mean the Miata is the answer so what could go wrong?
It's been quite a bit more work than expected to get the Miata up to snuff. Little snafus here and there, but we are in business......... and yet after all that work I'm still kinda so so on it. Essentially the car is a great car for it's intended purpose, but the overall package does nothing for me. I have just kinda decided that's the way it will be, as there isn't an alternative I want to explore. Time to suck it up and just enjoy it for it's intended purpose.
Moving along. As of last weekend we finally got the FA20 engine reinstalled and running in the FRS. Other than the aftermarket steering wheel, headlights, and tail lights it's back to stock. I've never really driven a completely stock Frisbee before, so I was a bit surprised at how much I still loved the car. The first trip was just to check over the system so no aggressive driving. I caught myself falling in love with the shifting and cockpit again. The second trip out I was just grinning ear to ear. The quietness of the car with stock exhaust was awesome. Weird. The torque dip wasn't great, but it honestly wasn't bothersome. In fact I kept thinking why the hell am I keeping a car I don't really like and ditching the one I love? For the sake of possible competitiveness?
So that's where we are now. I almost sold this car. The Miata will be on the block as soon as the title arrives.
Pic uploader looks to be on the fritz and I'm tired of paying the monthly Flickr fees. I'll try again later.