6/15/17 5:23 p.m.
Well, I bought it in December but I figure it should have a build thread as there are plenty of projects.

Most of my time so far has been spent clearing the massively overgrown yard and burning brush. 
The garage needs work. The first thing to do is fix the roof on the garage addition which was poorly done and is sagging and pulling away from the main structure. After that is done I can organize and paint the walls and clean it up more.

I did plant a Volvo in the back yard but it hasn't started growing yet.

Ooh. Three-car garage. Jelly. Congratulations!
You have to bury the Volvo for it to grow properly.
Doesn't the ground first pull the old Volvo under via weeds and brush?
Great looking place!
I love the porch and the columns on the porch. Combined with the roof line it gives it a sort of a soft prairie style. Is the stone work real stone or a synthetic cladding or something else?? It looks great in the pictures. I love the garage; I hope you can save the addition.
6/16/17 6:17 a.m.
The stone work is a cladding. It was built in 1928 but added onto over the years. I'm not sure how much is original.
mck1117 wrote:
You have to bury the Volvo for it to grow properly.
Space them 3' apart in 12' wide rows, partial sun, hardy to snowy climates.
6/16/17 8:47 a.m.
Congratulations on the house! Looks nice and lots of yard which (I think) is always a plus. If/when you need help with something, give me some lead time and I'll try and come over and help if you need it. I'm not a carpenter (my dad and granddad were), but I can drive a nail.
Built in 1928 AND a poorly done garage addition? You're going to have a good time.
Great looking estate....love the porsche. After you stabilize the grosh, maybe an enclosed breezeway from the back door to the grosh might be handy during the winter months. 
6/28/17 6:00 p.m.
I finally got a garden in (on the opposite side of the yard from the Volvo garden).

And due to the wonderful plumbing done by a previous owner I am now tackling the basement bathroom project.

The pipe on the left is the drain for the kitchen sink. It goes directly into a random drain hole in the floor and is not really sealed. When the sink is run for more than 30 seconds or so (or the dishwasher is running) the water backs up and leaks onto the floor. I conveniently plugged the open shower drain so it can't drain there anymore.

There is an actual drain under the sink that I need to run the kitchen sink plumbing to and properly seal it.
I started ripping up the remaining flooring and removing the residual framing. The dehumidifier is currently drying out the room.
The plan is to clean everything up and convert it back into a full bath for the basement bedroom. It is a large project though and will likely move slowly.
6/28/17 6:01 p.m.
stan wrote:
Congratulations on the house! Looks nice and lots of yard which (I think) is always a plus. If/when you need help with something, give me some lead time and I'll try and come over and help if you need it. I'm not a carpenter (my dad and granddad were), but I can drive a nail.
The yard was one of the main reasons I bought it (and the garage). It is on 1.24 acres and fairly private.
That is awesome! That addition on the garage appears to need help stat! I'm working the next couple weekends but if you need some help let me know.