Today's update isn't real sexy, but progress is progress.
My buddy parts out trucks and he found me a transmission and rearend.

I'm no hot rodder anymore and I had wanted to do a little drivetrain adjustment to this truck. Here in Texas, roads are flat and wide and very fast. My truck has a non overdrive trans and 3.73 gears, so running down the highway at 3k RPM for long stretches wasn't very appealing.
This rearend is a 3.08 ratio which will be much nicer at 80 miles per hour than my current 3.73.
The transmission is where a lot of guys will be scratching their head. It's a TH350C. I have always liked them. Basically, it's a non overdrive trans (TH350) with an electric lockup torque converter. When you lock the converter the RPM drops a few hundred. And, the transmission is really a pretty decent unit. It has all of the good characteristics of a normal Turbo 350 with the bonus of even better highway manners.
Yes, I could have kept my 3.73s and swapped in a 700R4 overdrive to keep the good acceleration of the deep gears and still get good highway manners, but I don't want to spend the money to go that route. I've gone that route before a few times, and it's never inexpensive.
Now I need to get my learn on and figure out how the TBI ECM locks up the 700R4 overdrive converter and see if I can simply use that ECM output to lock up the TH350C converter. The Th350C was used in earlier GM products, before EFI, and the electrical system they used to lock and unlock the converter was crude and Rube Goldburg'ish at best.
I also grabbed the brake pedal out of the parts truck too.

My truck, being an original standard transmission truck, uses the narrow brake pedal. I want the wider automatic brake pedal to make the truck look exactly like it came factory with an auto trans.
And before anyone jumps to any conclusions, y'all know me well enough by now to know that there is no way I will put that trans or rearend into this truck without going over them both with a fine tooth comb. I just need to wait till next week when my car parts money tree has grown a little.