(not a perfect math class)
Knurled bought a trailer. Because perfectionist, the trailer is not good enough as supplied.
Here's a stock photo of the trailer in question:
It bolts together, which is okay, but there is a sea of M10 bolts and Nylocs and nary a washer to be seen anywhere. This is something I can't tolerate. So, says I, I'll pop off to the hardware store and get a box of 3/8" washers. And maybe some decking... and something to hold tires with... hmm this will require Planning.
Meanwhile I gotta do something about the red. Everyone has a HF trailer and everyone's is red. Stands out like a needle in a stack of needles. If it ever gets stolen, I don't want to report a red HF trailer, since everyone has one. I want something so butt-ugly that it stands out and maybe is a theft deterrent in itself. I wanted Kawasaki Green because it's a really bright obnoxious bolor. NAPA didn't have any. Or any obnoxious colors on display at all. I ask the counter dude what he has that is butt ugly and obnoxious. He offers me a can of school bus yellow. PERFECT.
One can is not enough.
Here's where I was at after the first day: running out of paint then assembling loosely to verify that none of the parts went missing:
You'll notice a lack of axle and tires. That is because the hub bearings were supplied with a minimum of grease and I didn't want to put that together until I'd got it to work and greased everything properly. Well lubed bearings are happy bearings.
That is where we were at on Friday. Today I went to Home Depot to pick up some washers... and some 4x4 plywood to make decking... hmm a 4x4 won't fit in my car, looks like I get two 2'x4' pieces... hey they have 3/4" sanded OAK plywood, that would be awesome and should last just about forever, and at $25/sheet it's only a little more expensive than the 15/32 crappy plywood and do I really plan on doing it twice? And I may as well get the bolts for this and that and the other and the makin's for the wheel hold downs and an hour later I think I got everything. Go to the checkout... $141.20.
I ask her to repeat that, as my brain parsed it as "one-forty one-twenty" and I didn't get that she was describing a monetary figure. Then I asked to look at the tally since I didn't buy THAT much stuff, did I?
Oh well, the expense is forgotten long before the quality fades.
Sneak preview and jaunty rear-quarter shot of Oktavia:
Tally so far:
Trailer: $199.50 (got an instant discount from the $229 list price) Paint: $18 Home Depot stuff: $141.20 Total: $358.40