Sunday 5/14, Mother's Day: my wife would not let me take time away from the car to have brunch with the family. Blessing and curse all in one. So to catch up on the last few days: wawazat came by yesterday AM and worked on fitting up the rear air grille to the body:

came out pretty sweet. While he worked on that, I made some progress on integrating engine air filter box into center air duct. Before:

and after:

more on this in a couple days. It's not a front-burner task right now. What was front-burner was mounting and plumbing the pressurized coolant bottle for the radiator, and modifying the upper rad pipe. Done and done.

then I angle-cut the shift lever, flipped the cut section, and burned it back together. Knob is now a more natural drop from steering wheel, a definite ergo improvement.

LOL seat, steering wheel, and shift knob not shown. I pulled the steering column and gauge panel so I could figure out where to put the clutch reservoir and how to route the plumbing. Does not satisfy my "fully integrated" approach, but is good enough:

Yes, it sticks out of the cowl vent. Again, not my favorite, but it was the best I could do with what I had available.
after that, I sat and stared at the list, marked a few things complete:

then erased them to make room for a few new items, and assigned priorities for the next few days' work:

10 days before liftoff. I'm super not ready to be into the single-digit countdown.