As you might have guessed, we made it home safely and without running out of electricity.

Let's continue with the adventure:
We had just endured two and half hours of dealership negotiations, processes, and paperwork. Far more than I'd prefer, but they at least plugged the car in to their level 2 charger while we waited. Eventually, we transferred all the things from the Fiat and I reset the HomeLink and infotainment system to factory to remove personal information. And I said one last goodbye to the Fiat.
We had an 80 mile drive ahead of us to get to the wedding in Toledo, Ohio, and only 50 miles of range indicated. Additionally we hadn't had lunch. Thankfully, both could be fixed at the same stop. An EV Go fast charger was out in front of a Baskin Robbins with a Chick-fil-A a block down the road. The drive went smoothly enough, but, dang is range anxiety a thing. I had mini bouts of panic every time I looked at the range remaining. Less than 50 miles. Not enough to make it to the final destination or home. This charger HAS TO work, or we're screwed.
And you always hear stories about broken or blocked chargers. So I was nervous.
Good news! We made it with about 12 miles remaining. The car automatically switched into it's Eco driving mode when range dropped below 18 miles. I dropped Mrs. ShawneeCreek off to order food while I figured out the charger. Thankfully it was a super easy process. Insert credit card. Select charger cable (CHAdeMO or J1772). Plug into car. Charging begins. Huge sense of relief of the built up range anxiety.
I walked to Chick-fil-A to gather Mrs. ShawneeCreek and the food and we returned to eat in the car while it charged for a total of 25 minutes.
Once the car was "full" to about 85% I stopped the charging process on the machine. Then I ran headlong into a problem. The stupid charge cable just WOULD NOT unplug from the car.
I was pushing the release button, but it wouldn't come out. I fought with it for 5-10 minutes in full view of the drive thru at Baskin Robbins in full wedding attire. So embarrassing. I finally remembered a comment from a coworker with a Chevy Volt who said his car doesn't have a "charger lock." Could that be my problem? I looked around and finally noticed a small metal plunger that was keeping the release tab from fully releasing. Turns out I needed to unlock the car so it would release the charge cable. I did so and we were on our way again. Oh, the unique trials of EV ownership.
Naturally, between the extended time at the dealership and my trials with the charge cable we were running late for the wedding ceremony with no way to make up the difference. The car didn't have the range to speed and make up the time. Disappointing, but unavoidable at this point. At least we could still make the reception three hours later. Might as well use the time to get there and recharge the batteries. Luckily, a free solution existed to charge the car and fill the time.
The Hollywood Casino in Toledo has ~8 level 2 chargers on the basement level of it's parking garage that are free to use. A mix between J1772 and Tesla connectors. We again had about 12 miles remaining when I plugged in the car. It said it needed 2.5 hours to fully charge. This was perfect, because that was the time we had to wait. Now, neither Mrs. ShawneeCreek or I gamble. But the casino is free to walk through, smoke free, has clean bathrooms, and free beverages. Works for me!
And we found a delightful new feature in the darkness of the parking garage: blue line accent lighting in the doors and sills. So unnecessary, but delightful!

No issues getting unplugged this time. Phew. Drove the last few miles to the reception venue. While looking for parking I noticed an "Electric Vehicle Parking" sign in a nearby parking lot. Why, yes please. It ended up being some 110V outlets at the base of a light pole. Slow, but free. The car wanted 3.5 hours to fully charge. Sure, we'll be inside for nearly that long. Might as well.
The reception was good. And catching up with family friends and the happy couple made all the effort with charging worth it. We left with an almost full charge for the hotel, that unfortunately didn't have any chargers or outlets available. No matter. The battery was basically full anyways.
Well, this post has gone on long enough. I'll follow up later with the story of the 162 mile drive home.
- Sean